
Dave Malvin

Ask @DaveMalvin

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i need you because you make me laugh more than anyone else and im the best me when im with you and because when your gone nothing feels right until you return ~Michelle


10 closest friends in s2d? 5 girls 5 boys harus in order pls

1.jen kali
2. nad
3. natasha
4. gaby kali
5. oliv
1. hendrick
2. hans
3. alvin
4. jordan
5. austin

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u prodz i dr td baca tp g slsai" -- and g bs

ya drtd skype sma bule tpi gk bljr malah main minecraft lol

buset somb u ga follow gila so sad

oh yaaa lupa blg somb.. drpda yg gk bales whatsapp so sad :D

Dave u udh follow i blm ? Sama i think i know who's ....... ........ , .... .........

? ini siapa lg lol


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