
Dave Malvin

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Dave tbh me , yg bagus yaa !

ivanka yg mana yaaa? gk kenal
Ivanka orangnya aneh in terms of speaking. Kyk so raspy gitu suranya especially when dia ngomong jangan lhaaaaaa. I gk tau klo you pinter or not jadi i gk bs tbh :) <-- ini bagus kan, ya ya ya
Trs dia tmennya michelle trs ada one time i show my ID, then I bilang 'nothing'. Trs from then, dia slalu 'EHH DAVE DAVE DAVEEEEEEEEEEE, NOTHING AHHAHASHAHAHAHASHBDHJABSJHJSBDH"
itu bagus ya ;)
Udh ya i ada tbh-writer block.

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What is the one thing you could not live without?

uh, laptop.. but you need an internet connection. So, probably a handphone with SIM card in it.
Liked by: Dre

Impersonate lius!

"Oooooooo begitu"
"*sarcastically* hahahahhahahah"
"*in your voice* jangan laaahhhhh"
"Yuliiiiiiii, sriiiii"
"*stretches like a big fat baboon*"
"*michelle voice* pasadena"
"*in lao shi Li's voice* angel funny, 100 plus!!"

tbh mteegra

orangnya nyolot bgt i mau mutilate to pieces. jk (I mean not that literal)
Suka ngespam in whatsapp everytime i whatsapp her, suka blg: 'I'm aseeemmmmmmmm', jayus bgt di whatsapp smpe bikin perut i sakit (BANGET!) and dia ngomong lebhai layk thiis. And Pasadena.
Sebelum i bilang 'nothing' to her when she said 'what?', she is nice to talk with.
P.S.: Don't say nothing if michelle asks 'what?' (*in Lius voice* Unless dia pilih kaseeh[Kasih] )
Liked by: Nicholas Fabio

Language: English