
Tom Weaver

Ask @DemFeels

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I was the person who talked with you about feminism. I did not call you a sexist pig.Whoever did that saw an opportunity to be an idiot and took it.If this person shows up again it's going to be the only other post related to feminism as I'm not sending more asks in relation to it. Have a nice day!

Ah I thought it may of not been you and somebody was just being an ass, anyway thanks for just backing up my thought, anyway have a nice day to :)

Top 10 favourite Xbox games?

Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, Mass Effect 2, Battlefield Bad-company 2, Mirrors edge, Skyrim, Black Ops II, GTA 4, Soul Calibur V and Max Payne 3 but there are far more XD

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I'm only joking you fell for it, I actually think you're a sexist pig!

Well thanks Ma'am, I'm not sexist I just don't like feminist, there is a difference.
Liked by: Pagun (Butch)

btw just because I support feminism doesn't mean that I don't respect your opinions and I don't want women to have more power than men. I just want general equality. Basically if it was the opposite way around and it was inequality for men I'd support that because that would suck too. Bye :)

Cya and well I know you respect my opinion, and honestly it's good to have an actual debate instead of an argument, so thanks for that. Bye :)

Their is still a pay gap in most places.I'm not sure about in the UK but women in the US are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men.This gap is even worse for african american and latina women.The annual average pay for women who are employed full time is $11,084 less than men's.

That's what you get for living in an over patriotic country like the U.S who have a bunch of sweaty sexist men in trailers who still follow rules written 200 years ago that allow you to carry guns (yet I doubt when it was written they knew every man and his dog would be carrying around an M16 with a 100 clip mag and laser sight), my point is the U.S is still mainly about men, I'm talking about the UK where we all actually understand law's and equal rights, and that thing about Mexican and Black women is more racism than sexism.

(cont.) "are single mothers easy/desperate/damaged goods". If you search "are single fathers" and see the results it's "are single fathers better parents/better than single mothers/attrative". This barely even portrays the stigmas that are held towards women. I could go on even more.

Read my last response.

With everything there are going to be extremists. Most feminists aren't like that. The biggest problem in the western world is basically the views towards woman. There is rape culture and "slut shaming" etc. Go to google and see what in listed when you type "are single mothers". The first three are

You must be new to google, the top most listed for almost anything are stupid like 'I hate it when...' Jesus throws bananas at me or voldermort uses my shampoo etc. and well to be fair there is nothing wrong with the western world it's perfectly fine just feminists are trying to make it look bad.

Feminism is kind of necessary.

In modern Britain and the western world it is now mainly used for women to get more than men, as I agreed with it when there were the suffragettes and they were all like 'We want a woman PM' they got that and they also got equal pay and all the things they want but now they just want to become superior to men as feminism used to be Woman = Man now modern feminism is Woman > Man. Done places it is needed like the Middle East were it is a problem but in places like the U.K it is just an excuse to try and have more power than you already have.

What is your favorite old movie?

Counts by how old.... If you count before 2000 then it's Saving Private Ryan.

I want to know just how Polish you really are

I'm so Polish, I'm a builder and my only car is a white van with blacked out windows and my company is a building company where I am training my son to be professional scaffolder. I also eat turnips and I was in the army for 6 years and know a bit of English.


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