
Tom Weaver

Ask @DemFeels

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Get back with Abii, you were such a good couple :(

I would of agreed a few days ago but the last few days sort of haven't been great and today hasn't helped one bit :/

fav pokemon?

Rayquaza because I had a cheat thing to get him and I made him level 99 and nobody could beat me, or whalelord apart from when Olly beat 6 whalelord a with 1 little plant thing

she does love you. she kept the things you gave her that shows something doesn't it?

Just look at her other answers then see why I think what I do :/

Went through the exact same problems with my Ex. So i know how it feels man, it really SUCKS! But i'm over it and you will soon be too. Hope that helped

Trust me it does help XD thanks :)

Ignore her, she's immature. Look to the future and move on from her. It may be hard because i can see you still have feelings for her deep down but it's for the best man. I don't know you both personally but i came across both your profiles on here. But ignore her and move on :P

Aha thank you Anon that helped XD

You'll end up back with Abii. MARK.MY.WORDS EVERYONE! ahahaha

Look at her ask I won't be she's already talking to enough guys so yeh :/ and well after Anons are saying she can do better and she's agreeing I don't think I would want to get back with her

why, what's up bud? :c

Not much don't worry just my ex already has people flirting with her and calling me a twat and she isn't exactly disagreeing so yeh shows a lot about her really :/

So that's why you want that girl on League of Legends! Because you and Abii hate each other!

No she's a friend I don't want her

You dated for nearly a year and now you don't give a shit about her? I think you'll find that shows you clearly felt nothing for her.

Just look at her answers she obviously didn't, I cared more than anything but she's already going on about how great it is being single whilst having Anons flirt with her so obviously she didn't care or she wouldn't be acting like that Anon

You don't have an opinion over her?

Well no not any more she didn't care obviously about anything so why should I care about her?


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