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tu pense pas que se serait mieux que les joueurs des lcs ait la même nationalité dans leur équipe pour représenté un pays ? En plus cela faciliterai la communication je pense !


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comment exploité le fait que le dot du z de fizz proc les stack de ferveur de combat quand tu le joue mid full ap :) ?

tu le joues que contre des persos genre vlad/swain ou cac comme ça tu auto, sinon le reste contre mages thunderlord bette rimo

mec ahri c'est la base j'ai 70% win sur 70 games :D (d5)

nan du tout :x j'trouve il lui manque quelque chose

Will Viktor be pick/ban in lcs? He seems super strong but i dont think many people have realised and won't realise until LCS starts.

Idk lol it's impossible to tell but he might be yeah he is really strong.

whats your best memory from ur time at elements?

Good question. hmm I have too many good memories!

I wanted to go pro in league, failed, failed to graduate. Now i might become homeless. Now what?

Believe in yourself if you wanna go pro league you'll go pro league.
Liked by: *FailarmWee*

Since you are such a godlike Tf any Tips on how to lane with him vs counterpicks ?

Sali Saliu
vs Fizz do not push at all and punish him, try to never push and rush zhonya
Zed is basicly same, if u dodge his Q u should be ok
Leblanc is pretty much if she combo you, walk up to her while auto attacking you'll outtrade with your E on (only)
Azir farm, take tp careful with his combo lvl 6, you should be okay with ms tho can dodge 1-2 Q on lane
Orianna right now I'd consider taking ghost => gold card, while ghosting auto auto keep moving then her ult will be hard to cast. Orianna is hard tho, same for viktor because they got high range and shields

okay i guess its also because im still young and dumb (15 y/o the guy who dropped hard :D) well thanks

Dropping happens to everyone don't worry, jsut hard period :p

Do you like Taliyah? Any chances we will see her in LCS?

Didn't see much of her and idk she looks useless? Even more than Aurelion so

What do you think of gp mid and of the trinity change?

Didn't see trinity change yet, never been a fan of gp tbh but it was op as fk

Anivia god Tier pick on mid? Whats good on her and Bad? Can she Carry solo Games ?

No she's definetely not, I think she's pretty bad overall.

I dropped from low master to dia 5 ? im tilting very fast now and always are kinda angry about some mates? Any tips?

LOL then calm down when you play mute all if you have to and focus on your own mistakes/play only. Play some classic music too


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