
Emily Jones

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bestfriends outside your group

Jess Dowling, Chloe De Ste Croix, Jacob Goryl, Luke Crowhurst, Kallum Smith&Connor Pipin

have you got any photos of you and harvey?

Hahaha laugh everytime i see this, he just looks so scary;) bless him x

can i have yout number?

well i don't know who you are so no, if you pop up then i might.. as long as i know you though aha

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why do people call it pull then? is pull when you shove your tongue in there mouth and sort of...yeah...??

i'm not to sure why they call it pull?

Opinion on Christy doing anal?

i haven't really got a opinion on it, it's her choice what she wants to do

furthest you've been with a guy? and how far are you gonna go with Harvey?

Furthest I've been is pull and I dno how far we're gonna go I can't tell the future, I'm not bothered about doing anything yet though, I'm happy enough

Yeah it does.. because their huge!

Well I'm not exactly going to tell a stranger my bra size am I..?

Can you do an honesty hour?

Oh right yeah sure, but no questions like 'bra size?' Cause I won't answer them

Do u think ur bf would mind if I gave you a tit wank ?

Nah I'm sure he'll be fine with it! Go ahead
Lol jokes
Of course he'll care, as I would too, so nah mate sorry you can't

When was the last time you hugged and kissed someone? And who?

Both of them was last night with Harvey haha


Language: English