
Norerfa Nani

Ask @Erfanani

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hahaahahaaahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahh bij yknow me? (( lengan ))

kau tak bagitahu pun aku dah tahu ni kau (hebat tak?)

You're planning a nice dinner party but could only invite 3 people. Who would you invite?

Justin of course, my best friend Yasmin and idk the other one lol

Don’t you think that everything is changing too fast?

Not really i guess. Maybe bcs I doing the same things everyday lol

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A doctor but know I don't to be a doctor. I want to be businesswoman I guess idk

describe @NurulHadini1

She's a good friend but sometimes I hate her so much like I really hate her oh my god! Lol just joke. I love her Alhamdulillah dia dah berubah sekarang hahahaha k

How many times a day do you visit Ask.fm?

Kadang-kadang sehari. Kadang-kadang takde langsung sampai berbulan-bulan lamanya

describe yourself

Kang kalau aku describe diri sendiri, orang kata riak pulak so next question pls............!!!


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