

Ask @FatenF

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come to stchris xx

I'm kindaa leaning on that l2na yasmeen's goingg :p bs ma3arf ahaha fl nehaya I'll just stay fe kanoo because a5af I go to the wrong school:/
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then you will never be able to get anything done. Don't worry about what people say; just be yourself. That's how you'll make real friends who like you for who you are. MKS is a pretty nice and diverse school. I have a feeling you'll like it. But make your choice wisely.

Hahha yeah that's what my brother said too... Walla ma3arf changing schools is so hard ahaha

Haha well how would telling you who I am give you more reasons to come to MKS? I just think your presence will brighten up the school. Plus, you'll be in high school next year. We need more intelligent high school students ;)

So that I know people actually want me there and so I don't end up being a loner there if I go :c aw thankyou! You're so sweet aw:')

did you decide where you're going to (school)? come to mks!

Not yet:/ tell me who you are 3ashan I have more reasons to go to mks?x

Aaah inty bas 13? Well...in real life you do actually look 13. But when it comes to the way you type and answer things you seem older. Maybe something like 15.

Hahaha yeah, I get that a lot... Because I don't act like most 13 year olds... All my life I've been around older people so I've been veryy influenced by them :p

Inty 9ij ga7ba wala bas chithee katbah fi tumblr?

How many times do I have to explain this omg

How do you deal with these two statements? "Great bliss comes to those who work hard and persevere" & "An idiot is one that keeps doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results"

Mr. Do-do
I seem to agree with both of those statement if that's what you mean x)
Liked by: Mr. Do-do


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