

Ask @FatenF

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When's the next post due :(? And where did you get that necklace in your avatar?! It's so pretty!

I don't know tbh, I'll try to write it today! & I got it from H&M, I LOVEEE it so much.
Liked by: Badr

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what make up did u wear at yara's? it looks really nice!x

I wore concealer over any imperfections and set it with some light powder, bronzer, eyeliner in the waterline & tightline, a thin line of liquid eyeliner on the top lid without a wing, lancome mascaraa, angel lipstick+sweet tart lipbutter by revlon.
It was a different look because my eyes are usually dramatic but since we were only staying at home, I toned it down a bit x
Liked by: Nourah Alseif

Shsm u5uch ele kela ya5'9 telfonch ameer wala faris

Ameer, bs a7een he stopped :p he trusts me now and we have a really good relationship;D

ur harlem shake video OMG whos the girl with the jacket over her head and on the floor? XDD


If you could choose to go back in time and shake anyone ONE Man(or woman)'s hand who would it be and why?

Alexander McQueen for his SPECTACULAR designs. Such a shame he died.
Liked by: Kuleed

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

wat.. didn't understand a word

do you have clothes? Ware them ;)

Wear* & I obviously am, chnkom awal mra itchoofoon shay esma a bit of cleavage. Bas chub shlta=))

why do you always play with your hair while filming videos? your hair looks fine, top playing with it, its distracting. just saying...

Hahaha it's a horrible habit, I just can't help it.. I do that A LOT in real life, too. Even when I'm doing a presentation or something, I'm not doing it purposely on my videos.. just subconsciously.

i LOVE the color of your wall painting, in the background! ive been searching for that color because i want to redecorate my room, but couldnt find the exact one. any idea what the colour is called, dont say pink, i mean like exactly eg: caramel yellow...makes sense?..

It's coral!


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