

Ask @FatenF

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hey everyone dont worry im going to canda in the holidsy I will take Dana in the animal cage because thats where she belongs and throw her there if any of faten supporter or faten disagrre I wont do it , but if faten haters disagree I dont give a fuck

HAHAH wat?=))

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ma3alaich mn jameela walla even before u came to kanoo all she did was start problems o tithwash m3 el nas ma3ndha salfa!! and everyone hated her.. o dana 5alha twaly the only reason g3da tstgwi is becuz shes behind the com screen !! ehya mb kafew itgool half the shit she said to u here:D #TEAMFATEN

I agree, thanks. xx

Awalan, anons who are sending hate about Jameela stfu. El bnt mskeena. This is Faten & Jameela's problem, They will fix it, not ask.fm... Its their salfa so u don't have to judge her like saying philippino shit.. Mind ur own business plz xo Faten, no prob, one day u & Jameela will fix it together. x

Why are you only defending her? A lot of people swore at me too? It's not like I really care, I can defend my self bs ana ba3ad mskeena so you're being a bit bias, don't you think? & thanks..

hay intay dana madri shismch awal shay ana mar9'a 3ala faten thani shay inty ily 7esharty wayhech fi her wall o she's a proud bahraini o she can talk o she is pretty fa mo mi7tara inty itha mo 3ajbich cancelay il ask malich i in6amay

Jassim AL-Hubail
thankyouu jassimm<3
Liked by: Jassim AL-Hubail

Im a guy in your school. not sureif you know me. but you always check me out. guess who i am?

I don't check any guy out in school so don't flatter yourself. x
Liked by: abdulelah dh

Hello,, I wan't to make new friends.. As I feel my friends are like soo drama.. But aste7y I leave them w che.. And I don't know whith whome should I make friends with.. Any advice pls?

People who aren't dramatic lol?

Well there is students as in guys and girls in my grade think of me in a bad way and we're not even friends, how could I fix that up?

The only option you have is to talk to them!
Liked by: NO..* Layla.

Im proud of my language! And ahaaa yeaa sure, all u can do is laugh at people's mistakes! Enty chfty roo7ich a9lan?

Enzain ana magltlach don't be proud of your language, bs don't attempt to speak a language that isn't yours because all you're doing is embarrassing yourself. Yeah, that's why I'm laughing at you;) ee, and I'm beautiful x o x o jealousy is a disease.
Liked by: AMY

Dont you have like better comebacks=} lol

1. A5r wa7da tit7acheen, fa arjooch. 2. That wasn't a comeback, I was pointing out your fail attempt of speaking Bahraini because tbh, it was fucking hilarious. So glbay wayhich.

LOL crying 3ind 7abebha, la 7elfoow 3ad? I was with her and we were talking normally! Fa latyeboon kalam from nowhere!=]



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