

Ask @FatenF

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ur school bag is designer!! i remember asking u and u said its marc jacobs!! who buys designer for school?! kela itfoshreen

Oh my god hahahaha! A9lan, my bag doesn't even scream 'Marc Jacobs' .. :L You can only tell from the inside lining and the girl's eyes katb 3alaih Marc by Marc Jacobs. Fa etha abi 'afoshr' chan I got a bag that just screamed 'OH LOOK AT MEEE IM SO EXPENSIVE!' & bitch, n9 banat el madrisa have designer school bags. & I still use this bag out of school for sleepovers or to bring swimming clothes to a friends and stuff so when I buy something, I ACTUALLY use it.
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

ur still rich so dont lie to people about it 3ashan u seem normal;) betchoofen walla :)

What the hell? I'm not lying about anything..? Ana ishsawait lach a7een?:\ & okay, at7adach it6al3een shay thani. =))

are u rich?

Wow, this is like the 3rd time I ever get this question on this site. :L & God, you people are so shallow.
Liked by: yazeed

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Beihh'.' shfee um ely yabat'ha theey ely itgool you get designer shit!! LOOOL..Faten your stalkers and TOO adorable lmao! I didnt know you had those designer stuff and im like with you 24/7 ..7mdellah w shkr =))!! And too that person- SHES DOWN TO EARTH!! Dont deny it l2na you dont know her ;)

Sara Al Hashimi
UFF LAA! ._. lazim it6al3 shay to make me seem like a brat aw shay. IT7SEEN! Not only do they stalk me but Farah too.. '-' Ikr! Walla 7mdella 3la n3mat el 3agl.. people these days.

bas ur sister is in UR family;) fa ur parents money bitch and i can see the necklace u were looks expensive ;)) and ur expensive camera in ur pics and how this is ur 4th fone this year and ur bb is one of the newest spoiled biiitchhhhhhh

Ishfee omich intai? ._. Inzain my sister oo kaif'ha! Tara i5tii 3ooda, she's 20! Wow, you even noticed the necklace I wear? What else, did you notice the tag of my shirt from my pictures ba3ad? And the camera isn't mine;) It's Maram's. & 2 of those phones were my old phones and I was using them temporary. & so? Its a phone, n9 el Ba7rain 3ndhom bb oo my parents aren't gonna buy me a bb that came out years ago la2na e3arfoon I'll keep complaining about it. Bas la2na my parents like to spoil me at times doesn't make me a bitch or a spoiled.. I'm just blessed with parents that love me and didn't drop me as a child. ;)
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

omg chathabaa!!!! cheftich weya i5tich mara oo she was wearing tory burch madri shnw jooti :) oo i5itch ba3ad tweeted 'my mom bought me a valentino scarf' uff la ba3ad itfashroon!! oo cheft i5tich em9wra weya burberry scarf fa latchathbeen;)

I'm not lying? My SISTER was wearing the shoes, not me. Oo my mom got my sister the scarf as a gift. And el Burberry was mine, Farah borrowed it from me. Ya3ni 7aram getting something designer every once in a while!? & gosh, you're such a stalker what the actual fuck.
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

kefr bel floos?? wow says the person that buys designer shoes , bags and accessories

Designer shoes? I don't ever recall buying any? All my shoes are like from New Look, Forever or something. And so? Its just a bag, and designer bags actually last a really long time so its worth it. Its better than buying a cheap bag that lasts for like a month. And what accessories?:L Hun, my accessories are like from Forever 21 so please. The only 'designer' accessory I have is a SCARF. So don't make me seem like the bad person here because its not working. I'm the most down to earth person ever, ask all my friends.
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

ur so cheep buying pajams from primark!! wa333 7adich cheep

Dear, it's CHEAP* so stop embarrassing yourself. & I'm so sorry I don't buy designer pjamas from Saks? Tbh, I'm not gonna waste like over 30 BD on clothes I lounge and SLEEP in. Nobody is gonna see me in them, who am I gonna impress with my 'Juicy Couture' or 'Lanvin' or whatever pj's? My family?:L I really don't care what brand my pjs are as long as they're COMFORTABLE. I'd much rather use the money buying 'designer pjs' on maybe designer clothes I can actually wear OUT? Or to buy like 10 'primark' pjs for the price of 1 designer pjs. Tara if you buy designer pjs, I honestly pity you. Etha makintai it3arfeen, hay esamoona kfr bel floos. So get your snotty bitch attitude off of my ask.fm before I embarrass you some more, k?

How long did u have braces? Did they hurt while they were puttin them on?

I had them from 6 months. And no, it only hurt A BIT when he tried to glue the square thingys to my teeth because he had to use some pressure but I man'ed up so I barely felt a thing. But it sometimes hurts when he has to tighten it every month.

u and sara should make a youtube account like mileyy and her friend!! u guys would be funny lolol

Nah, we post most of our funny vids on fb already. o:) & it won't be popular or shit so we'll just be wasting our time.


Yeah, shway. :P Bas I'm really shy so I don't even sing to my friends, I just sing alone in my room and record it sometimes. & no you can't hear me. o:) But I can rap even better.

are there any private karaoke places in bh??

Yes, but there's more karaoke places in BARS so you can only go if you're 18/21+. But if you're with family or friends(and underage and not planning to drink) you can book a room in Beijing Chinese restaurant which I'm trying to plan to go to with friends. o:) etha taboon it3arfoon akthar details 3an el restaurant golooliii.

We go to the same school together I always see u at school so what's ur pin

How about you tell me who you are and then I'll think about it. Just because you see me at school a lot, doesn't mean I know you. For all I know, you could be some 6th grade loser.
Liked by: Salman

Faten , since your awake can you ask me some questions MALLAL :(

I'm not a big fan of asking questions.. I never ask questions on here;p
Liked by: Salman

can u sing?

Actually, not to gloat but I can. My voice is good in my opinion but I can never sing infront of people, even my friends. I just feel so uncomfortable and my voice turns absolutely horrible and shake-y.

good facial cleansers? LOL sorry i've been asking alot of fashion and makeup questions xD

Depends on your skin type. & its okay, it makes me feel important, its funny answering them. o:)


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