

Ask @FatenF

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Enty tetab3een the challenge rivals ? Meen a7sn wa7d 3ndch ? I love kenny and adam <3 they are so cute <3

Eee! I love Kenny oo CT. Hottiess 7adhom:$
Liked by: Amna

Ur gorgeous. ? HAHA u look like a frog , ur nose is huge , ur eyes have a HUGE gap between them , and so do ur eyebrows , ur cheek bones are creepy , so plz look at the mirror before saying ur gorgeous

Wow, what satisfaction do you get about dissing people like this? I'm sorry to break it to you but it'll not make you any prettier. I may not be the prettiest around but I do have a strong ass personality that will shut you the fuck up. Ps, I don't have a huge gap between my eyes, dafuq? And I don't have cheekbones. 5DDOOOODD FTW!
Liked by: мαнα ♡

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Don't feel sad 'bout 3li algatam... There's alot of more HOTTER boys out there... I heard he broke up with u for a girl... Bs I know it's a rumor.... U go girl <3

Yeah, I try not to think about it. Looks aren't everything but haha ture. x Thank you whoever this isss btw. <3

AHHAHHAHAHA seriously??? (my face is fuckng gorgeous) go get urself a mirror ASAP


i dont see why u need to wear a bra, with no boobs what the point?

I don't understand why trolls like you are allowed to use the internet.

If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish?

For people to stop calling me a whore and judging me without even knowing me and not knowing what I've been through.
Liked by: Amna Noor Fathalla Sara

Yahoo questions is like a black-hole that mongs gravitate to in order to learn. They have the power of the Interweb at their fingers and so choose to ask other mongs instead.why??

Don't ask me hard questions like this ok its not funny:(

B59o9 ta5tafy el asma2 wo ta'6ah el tarbya inty mrabya yaza3am??? Ha msawya ro7ch t7been tawech 9aghera 3ala hal shghlat inty 7ata film pg 13 mayda5lonch yal yahla I love oo I love roo7y 9aly a7san lach min hal mag7aba

Mtrabya oo '3a9ban 3ala omich el ga7ba. ga3da tit7acheen 3an el tarbeya meanwhile YOURE the one sending anonymous hate dissing my parents and the way they raised me. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU? oo b59oo9 el 7ub, ish7arach ya3ni?:*
Liked by: - روزانا

Enty mat5afeen rabch ? Wayd emma95t'ha fe 7yatch , I'm telling u this bs 7ag m9l7tch o wla shay befeedch 8air rabch fel 7yah ! Not talking about ur stupid bra aw boobs ! Tra ppl started talking about you fe kel elschools o ygolon enty g7ba ! Fa 3aib 3laich ely tsweena fe 7yatch , t5rbeen 7yatch bro7

Entay ishfee omich!? Just cause I said my bra strap was annoying me doesn't make me a bad person or any less of a muslim! god damn you close minded bitches, walla. its peple like YOU ele say im a ga7ba. let them think whatever the fuck they wanna think, im done.
Liked by: - روزانا

Halo butefol gerl, remeber mi ? I endian boi. i lov yo so match, cen yo com to New Delhi becos I teveled ther, it es beter than Tunisea, Fack Toonesia !!!

Liked by: - روزانا

your probably cheating on Ali and your doing what everyone knows with ahmed alzeera in tunis x poor guy dont deserve some1 like you , i mean look at your face and look at Ali's <3

Beeih! Laish kela lazm itda5loon Ahmed? :s Tara he's not even in Tunis fa arjookom yan3i=)) My face is fucking gorgeuous, sorry to break it to you ya3ni. :$ etha mob 3aaajbach el wa'93, gelbaai wayhich oo latitda5leen fe people's business please. x


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