

Ask @FatenF

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Q.1 would you rather die from burning or drowning. q.2 would you be a celebrity or best friends with a celebrity?

Moodaa Ashoo
Q1; Drowning. “You know when you’re drowning you don’t actually inhale until right before you black out. It’s called voluntary apnea. It’s like no matter how much you’re freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won’t open your mouth until you feel like your head’s exploding. Then when you finally do let it in, it stops hurting. It’s not scary anymore. It’s actually…kind of peaceful.” - Stiles from Teen Wolf.
Q2; A celebrity 'cause then I'd be besties with one probably? lawlz

Remember: When you want something, you are attracted to it because of its strength but when you need something, you are attracted to it because of your weakness. :)

Mr. Do-do

Which spouse is better in your opinion? A) One that needs to be by your side to be happy B) One that doesn't need you to be happy but wants to be by your side more than any other place in the world

Mr. Do-do
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

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How would you wear a black leather jacket on a girls night out?

Fashion Police
With skinny plaid/tartan pants and a black and white graphic tee(like the ones from Stradivarious, Brandy, Bershka) and white converse/vans for a more casual look. For a dressier look, I'd wear ankle length colored skinnies(indigo, vibrant purple, hunter green) with a white blouse and gold chains and a pair of black wedges or nude pumps(depending on the pants)
Liked by: r30

*CONT* I really wanna lose my hips and get a flat stomach, my hips makes me feel insecure:( Will this kind of diet help?

It's a really great start but it might not do enough for you! Don't just eat any cereal, try the fitness k thingy or have a small bowl of oatmeal or some yogurt with chopped bananas topped with granola for breakfast and for lunch, if it's white bread, try opting for whole-grain as a healthier alternative. For snack, try having fruits, or some nuts or check out some simple recipes on youtube because I wouldn't recommend a starbucks drink, they have loads of calories even without whip cream. x and again, for dinner instead of using white bread use whole grain but make sure to add some turkey slices or something because you didn't include much protein in your diet and have a small bowl of steamed veggies because you didn't include much of them on your diet. Instead of one hour on the treadmill, do half an hour and half an hour on the cycling machine and check our blogilates on youtube's videos for some workouts for hips/stomach specifically or check out her website where you can print a calender that includes workouts and some healthy recipes.. Good luck:D

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Breakfast: Cereal... Lunch: Salad + Tomato Soup with bread pieces & Apple juice. Snack: Protein bar &/or a Starbucks tall skinny no whip drink ... Dinner: Any type of sandwich (Homemade) .. 1 hour of using the treadmill and 10mins of the cycling machine(if I still have the energy) .. *CONT*

I'll answer in the cont x

What soap or face wash do you prefer for removing pimples?

No magical face wash will magically remove pimples. Washing your face constantly with a simple face wash will do the trick in time but just look for a face wash with salacylic acid or tea tea oil or witch hazel x

Are you sure Mr. Collin died because he committed suicide? bc Mr. Sameer told us that he had a heart attack? Allah yr7ma:(</3

Yeah, they wrote it fe gdn.

when you usually change your bbm pictures?

Whenever I feel like it? You guys really ask some of the stupidest questions


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