

Ask @FidanaLovesYou

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What would you change in this World?

Well that's vague. But if I were to change anything. I'd start with everyone's attitude, more optimism.

who in armonk are u friends with?

Lol Kenedy, AJ, Sam, Sam, Alyssa, Joe, etc. I'm friendly on ocassion.

you shouls read the fault in our stars and looking for alaska theyre so good

I read TFIOS and An Abundance Of Katherines. Great books.

I highly suggest getting into some classics-- they're (in my own personal opinion) a bit more well crafted than what has been coming out in the past decade.

I never said I wasnt into classics just that they're not my favorite books.

so who asked u to prom today??

No one. I'm getting sick of this, if youre gonna ask. Just ask. I'm not scary lmao

What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

Say goodnight to someone I love.

How far in advance do you prefer to plan?

From now till college, and then to when I'm old and on the porch. The middle's a mystery.


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