
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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Are you planning on playing the new animal crossing?

I have no 3DS, and I'm not sure it's my sort of game.

Looks like the Shadow of the Eternals kickstarter was cancelled and will be relaunched with "exciting new developments". Anything to say about that? Jokes? Insightful comments?

The exciting new development of setting a goal with at least one fewer digit.

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No, Ironicus, the arm jokes were funny! I didn't mean to come off as dismissive.

Then you have questionable taste.
Liked by: Booky

Beyond good and evil 2 targeted for release on each next gen console, far into development. Exceited, Double H?

You've broken my heart for the last time Ancel. DO YOU HEAR ME?

The best thing about soap is that you can rub it on your butt, then on your face while still being clean.

I can rub my butt on my face and still be clean.

Who would win in a fight: Cyborg Raiden or Cyborg Otacon?

Otacon is fighting a battle within himself over what sort of anime he likes best.
Liked by: insane Booky

Watching the new Reveangance. Never heard so many arm jokes in my life.

And on that day I learned I will never be Diabetus/Ferr, and I should never try again.
Liked by: Booky

Isn't it kind of weird that there's a lot more female-only monsters than male ones in mythology?

Women scare me.

Is there ever a time in real life where distracting people with holographic porn would be a good idea?

Always. I could use some distraction right now.

Can I pay you to have sex with your fiancee without anyone watching, in the dark, whilst I travel to alaska?

Too stressed busy and tired. I know why people get married but I'm beginning to wonder why weddings need to be involved.
Liked by: Booky

I'm french and I'm planning to travel around America, including going through Chicago. Is there anything I should check out while I'm there?

Depends on what you like. The Field Museum and Institute of Art are always my first suggestions. The Shedd Aquarium is also world-class. Our comedy scene is great so take in a show at iO or something like that. If you heard the story of Patrick Stewart jumping onstage at an improvised Shakespeare show last week, that was at iO. Chicago has the most theater of anywhere, carried by our fringe and storefront theaters. I always point out Too Much Light... at the Neofuturarium but look up listings and wee what interests you. There will almost certainly be a cast member who's 3 or fewer degrees of separation from me. See a Cubs game if you can, Wrigley is a summer backyard party and the whole city's invited.
Here's some resources for more ideas/details: tinyurl.com/chicagoons http://www.timeoutchicago.com/things-to-do

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Liked by: Junk Drakkel

kill nav, we both know it's the most interesting option

I'm not giving you the opportunity the hem and haw over whether you'll be in the game or not in yet another game.

Have you ever paid for sex?

No, but statistically speaking I'm bound to know several people who have. At least that's what the signs on the subway tell me.


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