
General Ironicus

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Given your hatred of nerds, do you think you and chip would have become friends if you felt how you do now back then?

He's cool.
Liked by: Booky

Read any good books lately?

London Falling is a really fun crime/horror/fantasy/character drama/I don't even know that's well worth checking out.
Cursed Pirate Girl is an AMAZING graphic novel. It looks like a Victorian woodcut and has astoundingly minute detail, like each page is a labor of years. Check it: http://graphicly.com/archaia-comics/cursed-pirate-girl/preview/read#spread=1
On top of that the story is the sort of Alice in Wonderland semi-modern fairytale that perfectly complements the art and would even stand without it.

If it came down to it, do you think that you could take your mother-in-law in a fight?

Only if emotional weapons are disallowed.
Liked by: Booky

why are you confusing immortal with invincible? Stay away from my immortal baby.

The baby may not like it, but he'll survive anything.

"Shared narrative"? "GM-less"? There are tabletops like this? How do they work? Do you have games like this to recommend?

Julie Miller
It's actually a really big segment of the hobby, especially indie games. Check out Fiasco and anything else from Jason Morningstar.

What has been the most challenging thing about preparing for marriage?

Not squeezing the neck of my fiance's mother until she shudders with her final breath.

Holy shit I haven't heard the name Carbon Leaf in years. Life Less Ordinary came pre-loaded on a computer we got close to a decade ago. It was one of, I think, two, out of the fifty that were any good.

I see them almost every time they come into town, which is rare enough I don't get too burned out on them. Barry puts on a real nice show too.

Hey there! Can I hijack Xin from you guys? - Mr. DJB

Go for it, try to stay awake. I really liked your pirate thread.

I'm in a rut when it comes to music. Are there any musicians, albums, or songs you would suggest to people that may not be widely known?

Carbon Leaf - Indian Summer, Echo Echo (the rest of them too, but they're good albums to start with)
Rachel Ries - Without a Bird
Kevin Flynn and the Avondale Ramblers - Sign of the Cross (they're local boys)
Every band on the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack

Ironicus, what's the difference between marginalizing women and marginalizing gamers? The gaming press has really jumped at the chance to say the majority of gamers are sexist pigs, but please don't tell me anyone actually believes reversing discrimination solves anything.

Nobody has ever explained to me why having more varied stories with less one-dimensional characterization would marginalize anyone.

Also I'm glad everyone's assuming I'm a sexist, just because I disagree with some policies that some feminists ascribe to, policies which are overbearing, in my opinion. Thanks for insulting me rather than be calm and reasonable with me. That's one thing I admire Anita for, she doesn't anger easily.

If people think anything about you it's because of what you put out of yourself for them. I think it's more about coming at this as if the push for more progressive representation and characterization from people who care about games is actually a conspiracy to punish thought-crime from without. That last question literally dropped the feminazi card. If it's any consolation I've been ignoring plenty of people who disagree with you because I have nothing to say about back-patting. I'm sorry I've run out of patience for bullshit.

Hey Ironicus do you hate nerds? It's cool if you do.

If I could live my adolescence over again I'd be a never-ending wedgie machine.

Why is Chess 2 a thing that was made?

Chess variants have been around a really long time, and in some situations it's a solved game so I can see the demand for more. I think the name is silly (all the names are, REAPER QUEEN) and I haven't read through it but there's no harm. I wonder what serious chess players think of the different rules.
Liked by: Booky


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