
General Ironicus

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Got any suggestions for good innernetz shows or podcasts centered around video games and general internetty things? I don't mean like geeky ~nerdom podcasts~ .. but I can't seem to find anything that isn't anything more than a generic review site's podcast.


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has syrg injected any of his horrible fetishes into your game?

Smugness gets his motor running something fierce.
Liked by: Dani

I'm going to DM a game for some friends in a few days, nobody has played D&D before (including me). Would 13th age be better to use than D&D 4e?

Go for it.

Which is less original of an LP? A Super Mario World romhack, or a Pokemon game?

Print out an lp frame by frame, print them, scan in, reconstruct the video, record the audio from your speakers, and upload the result.
Liked by: Booky

the boobs on your ass tell me its party time

Is this one of those horrible, unethical plastic surgery parties?

What's your favorite place to go out to eat? I need some ideas

clockworkchaos’s Profile Photoclockwork chaos
My most visited place is Weathermark Tavern, my local bar. The best is La Cantina a little bit south. Best fast food by my office is Burrito Beach.

Final Terrible Tuesday question: worst TV show you've ever watched?

I don't want to think about bad things, but Defiance is a really terrible recent thing.

Terrible Tuesday, Question 2: Did you ever get caught in the crossfire of a Console War, online or offline?

See below.

What was the scandal which brought down the last grognards.txt?

Someone posted some especially heinous stuff. They were found out to be on trial or on a sex offender registry or something like that, and someone posted the details of that in the thread. Internet detectivery like that is a big no-no and it was the end of grogs 2E.

I've been following some Social Justice issues, and I'm worried that some idiots are delegitimizing the concept. Radical feminists who are transphobic operating under the guise of combating oppression is 1 example. Are things really this bad, or are they fringe with no power?

You're asking to be reassured, but the tiny amount of power and influence anybody in that sphere has is actually depressing.
Liked by: Booky

i did some research on tumor after it was mentioned in the c2e2 podcast and i plan on picking it up. can you recommend anything in a similar vein?

As far as I know it is the only hard-boiled detective story set in the present day that uses actual brain trauma instead of the detective getting hit in the head a bunch as a plot device and also as a means of non-linear storytelling. Not the biggest niche, to be fair.


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