
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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Are Disney princess movies sexist?

As a whole probably, individually very much yes depending on the case, inherently no.

Which game did you enjoy LPing the most?

The early MGS3 videos where we were live. Watching those guard traps he set up and hitting himself with the incendiary grenade were great moments that wouldn't have worked the same way in post-commentary.

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I was not expecting you to go by anything other than your pseudonym for Alcohollywood. Any special reason why you didn't?

It's more natural in a conversation to use my real name, Clint is a friend, and 'Ironicus' sounds like the dumbest fucking thing when said aloud.

Have you tried to allure any of the retsupossy to play dnd? I have a terrible feeling chip would be a fantastic DM

Dave_o keeps threatening to run Dungeon World for us all sometime.

If someone didn't like an LP you did and sent you 402 cupcakes to complain, would you accept them?

Yes. I would eat several of them and give the rest away because that is a very large number.

Which theory of normative ethics do you follow?

I like Pragmatism but if I'm being honest it's generally Utilitarianism. Only in philosophy can those be notably different things.

My friends are starting up dnd, and I'm going to DM. Do you have any advice?

Get Dungeon World. I don't mean to say you shouldn't play DnD, but because the GM's section of the book is the best advice you can take to run a game. In fact, the text is creative commons so here you go: http://book.dwgazetteer.com/

Thanks for answering my question about your D&D shenanigans, now where can I find them since SA is blocking non-registered-users at the moment.

http://kisamayatsu.com/letsplay/dnd2/ there's a partial mirror of the current thread and it's not hard to find a full mirror of the original thread's OP on the same site. If you're planning to skip ahead of episode 46 just search through syrg's blip.tv page.

What thoughts do you have about the newer, younger, flatter Lara Croft?

I feel uninformed, all I know is that it seems your major method of interacting with her is to impale her on spikes and lead her into dangerous situations. That's hardly the character's problem though so I don't know what to say.

If you were to LP another Lego game, which one would you do?

Something much more recent so it's not so samey, Batman 2 maybe? I haven't played it though.

I understand it wouldn't be the easiest thing to set up, but I always feel like you and Chip would have fun fully LPing Lego Star Wars 2.

Maybe, and if we did it would certainly not be in marathon sessions again.

What is your favorite music genre? Also how can I become as sassy as you

I listen to artists, not genres. I think you'll find labels are the only people that care about classification since it boosts sales.
Liked by: Nobodyman

Do you have a motto? If so, what is it?

The reader of these Memoirs will discover that I never had any fixed aim before my eyes, and that my system, if it can be called a system, has been to glide away unconcernedly on the stream of life, trusting to the wind wherever it led.
-Giacomo Cassanova
Pretty long, but I like it anyhow.

Did you have any opinion on the Mass Effect 3 ending lunacy? Decent ending? Total crap? Couldn't give a shit?

I haven't played any of the games and for all I know it may have been the worst ending in the history of storytelling. The discussion that came out of it was just this perfect storm of what's holding the gaming industry back though. Everyone had a perspective but nobody seemed to be talking on the same level, nobody was engaging. Giving someone free dessert is an insult now? Then it was intertwined with the horrid abuse of that one writer for having half-explained opinions while also being a woman. I could never figure out what to think in that huge pileup of criticism, entitlement, "are games art", and a hundred other things that collided to form that mess.
Liked by: stuffondemand

What do you consider the best starting point for someone potentially interested in your Dungeons and Dragons let's play endeavors?

Episode 40, the beginning of the current thread, is a natural spot, but that puts you right into the tomb of horrors which I find dull. Episode 49 is right after that and when we have some "adventure town" stuff that kicks off a really good period that's almost as natural a leaping-on point. If it weren't for technical issues I could say the same thing about episode 90, the very latest update.


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