
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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What the hell is your avatar supposed to be?

Double H from Ubisoft's cult classic Beyond Good & Evil, as drawn in a coloring book style by Chip. It's our first LP from before we got good equipment and I learned how to shut up.

What's your favourite bad makeup from this season of Face Off?

The horrible "all fours" demon was something special, and that gummy bear thing was a nightmare, but the best has to be the green giant with no hand, no shoe, and the head mold was falling apart.

Will you be returning for the Revengeance LP?

I am SO HYPE you don't even know. Watching everything get sliced and dices will be the perfect way to unwind from wedding planning frustration.

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Did you really major in Sociology?

Nope, minor. It's a misconception that's too wide-spread to correct and pretty close to the truth anyhow. My major was political science with a focus on the interaction between the press, public, and political actors.

Is there a 4E D&D/13A class you would never play and what, if anything would you change to make it more appealing?

I don't want to be a wizard, too much baggage.

I'm really not trying to brown-nose here, but you and Chip Cheezum have brought me literally hours of entertainment, but I've noticed that you guys don't ask for donations, even on your site (unless I'm blind). Isn't there something appreciative fans can do to give back?

Be excellent to one another.

Where do most people think you fall using gaydar?

I could be the most flamboyant mother fucker on earth but I'm way too smoochy and cuddly with my fiance to make anybody wonder.

Have you heard of Charlie Brooker and/or are you familiar with his work? I think a lot of his stuff would appeal to you. (All of the "you"s, this is going to a specific few of you.)

I think I've watched all the -wipe series' (maybe). It's been a while since I checked in with him. Newswipe was basically my focus in school with more swearing. Scroll down to see my status on Black Mirror.

Okay this is a big question, but can you list 1) your favourite Minerelle moment, 2) your favourite Joey moment, 3) your favourite Miriam moment, 4) your favourite Algernon moment and 5) your favourite Kod moment from LPD&D? Big up your friends' roleplaying skills and comedic talent!

1) Minerelle bouncing in solidarity with Gibnaf when we crossed paths with Kensington again
2) When Joey got hit with a sad-sack trap when kaz was running his focus tower
4) His prone breakdance fighting in the recent videos was great
5) The first, and every subsequent time Kod presses his face against a barrier and glows red
6) Best Kensington moment was when he hit that super curse combo against the druid in kaz' focus tower

Is there any game that could not be improved by the addition of Otacon and his tiny robot?

Someone please make a page that looks like metal gear and embeds youtube videos on his little screen.

What's a series that has a huge following that you just don't get the appeal of?

I've been trying to think of an answer and I can't, I guess I'm just an understanding guy? I'm the person who wrote about why people dig PewDiePie after all. The closest are things I haven't tried that make me wonder if they're really THAT good, like Game of Thrones or anything else on premium channels.

To be fair to drakkel (age 5), the way you decided to say poop deck was... quite interesting.

Everything in my game should be interesting. That's what I'm striving for.

Describe to us your ideal wedding? c:

How about I tell you about the one I'm having! Plenty of stuff is in the air still but here's some stuff I can share.
There's going to be four bridesmaids in black dresses and bright colored shoes with three groomsbros in black suits with bright colored ties. The processional will be the Jurassic Park theme. It's going to be on an outdoor, 3rd floor terrace overlooking the Loop. We want the ceremony to be relaxed but respectful and I've started writing it but I still need to meet with our officiant on a few things. The decorations will be a bunch of diy projects and pintrest trawling. We already made a photobook of the last few years to use as our guestbook. The rest of the night will be food, dancing, and big punchbowls of sangria. Then we're going to ride the bus home because who else will have wedding pictures like that.

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Liked by: batman9502

describe your feelings over time as Poorweather keeps not listening during DND/13A

I think my reactions in the recordings are pretty much an open book on that.

Does Syrg timeshare one of his NPC voices with Dan McNeely? Will this lead to an LPDND/Xin crossover? Is Gibnaf's Epic power Bone(r)shredding?

Syrg may have some smug NPCs, but Edwyn Tiong is a smugness elemental, born from the primordial smug. He's also a real nice guy.

Okay, but what about Bananaramawicz?

The Shalom Smasher is a ranged attack. Bwicz scribbles what appear to be enchanted runes on a paper and folds them into a paper airplane, which flies at his opponent in a hard to avoid sine wave. When it hits it expands to reveal a lovely valentine's note and nobody has any will to fight anymore.

Someone asked plaz and drakkel what the insta kill moves for their D&D characters would be if they were in a fighting game. What would Gibnaf's be?

Gibnaf slams a power chord so hard the strings fly off his lute and become puppet strings, making the opponent slip on a banana peel to death.

looking at all the PS4 social stuff, what do you think the impact of this will be on Lets Playing? if any?

What about google glass replacing camcorders?
Liked by: JelloMaster

Do you think the straight man or the funny guy makes the better sidekick? Also I guess you're the straight man in your duo? You know big words anyway.

I'm also not funny, so there you go
It's all about chemistry. Strict roles don't matter. If they do, you're playing a character instead of just being a dude. Let's be dudes.

I'm down to two backlogged podcast episodes (for the first time in YEARS). I need to add more shows. What do you suggest? Share as few/many as you like.

Alcohollywood yo.

As a movie lover, what is your opinion of the Oscars?

I can't get angry about it like some people. Sure its a big self-congratulatory exercise, but the films generally deserve it. I get pretty peeved at the nominations because the academy has narrow, safe tastes. From the shortlists they generally do just fine though. I don't know if The Artist was 2011's best movie, but it sure was up there.


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