
General Ironicus

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Hate to break it to you but some birds do have penises. It's not a uniform feature across all soecies as in mammals, and it's structurally different from the mammalian variety, but there is such a thing as a bird-wang.

That's like saying there are fish with lungs. Don't lie to me.

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Sweet, my birthday is the same month but still another couple of weeks away. Cheers on being another year older.

Its so weird how many people were born. Really makes you think.

Okay, you're in Aeris' house in the Sector 5 Slums. You have to sneak out quietly, or she'll tell you to go back to bed. What do you do?

Liked by: Booky

Someone asked me if I use music during my gaming sessions. How about you guys? Do you have any favorite soundtracks?

I keep meaning to ask Plaz to put the Pacific Rim soundtrack in his rotation. The main theme has this swagger to it that will nail the mood when world-changing heroes enter an arena tourney for fun. The guitar part in Go Big or Go Extinct is something I just love.


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