
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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I stopped watching the original Let's Play DnD thread around when either Syrg or Wolfshirt (Forget who was in charge of the podcast and who was in charge of the videos) lost a batch of episodes. If I were to start watching again what would be the best video to start with?

Techno Syndrome
Right where you left off. Also consider checking out Let's Play The 13th Age. We're very proud of it.

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Did you hear about the succubus monster in Monte Cook's Numenera? Basically it's a robot which seeks to seduce men for their seed, after which they give birth to a demon baby which grows up super-fast and sets out to kill their father. And this behavior is hard-wired into their very being.


I get the feeling that I can throw just about any character concept at you and you'll approve of it, no matter how silly or ridiculous.

Liked by: Booky

Apparently it's your birthday, so happy birthday I guess! Do you eat burritos with your hands or with a fork?


how do you feel about a shrewd half elf tortilla salesman who grave robs on the side as character backgrounds? the one unique thing is "the bastard son of a drow ambassador and a tortilla salesman". Class is tortilla sorcerer.

Go for it.
Liked by: Booky

How do you feel about inch-worming being removed in Metal Gear Solid 5?

It will be added as a bonus for the XBone port, but will only be triggered by Kinect.
Liked by: Booky

Is Ghost Face Killa the shadow prince or the lich king?

ODB is the PoS, Ghostface Killa is the Lich King, the RZA is the Archmage

Would you want a "Dog Shaped Robot Buddy"?

Dog Shaped Robot Buddy technology still has a way to go before I'm ready to buy in, but in theory I support the idea.

interesting choice! what's your thoughts on critics calling it 'pretentious' and 'too confusing'? imho i just don't think they were paying attention. also, have you seen tree of life? it's thematically very different, but its style and presentation is similarly very artistically involved.

Nothing is more pretentious than a 70s detective thriller or a modern day dark comedy about funny old people or blockbuster sci-fi action. The pertentiousest of films. Movie critics are usually really dumb, and the amount of care in the production design and editing keep Cloud Atlas clear and easy to follow.
I'd say you have your Tree of Life (now that's pretentious as fuck, though I still liked it) comparison backwards. The presentation is involved, but entirely different. They're both about all of history ever and it's relationship to simple stories of single lives. Tree of Life is more ambitious in going from the Big Bang to now via Sean Penn's childhood but it's also really slow and not much fun to watch. It also underlines how insignificant people are, while Cloud Atlas is much more about how the individual is the most important thing there is, and is equal to society (Sonmi's testament, "What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?"). As a big sloppy Romantic I just eat that shit up.

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Liked by: Booky


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