
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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have you heard the credits song to rogue warrior?

We only recorded two parts so far. It's a short game but not that short.

What's the craziest article of clothing that you own?

One of my socks is on psychoactive medication.

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God damn, Ironicus. You play a lot of Binding of Isaac. How long is that game?

I really don't, its just really addictive. I can play it while still paying attention to skype chats and half watching TV, which I can't do with games that I actually enjoy more.

How long has your longest ever phone call been?

No you hang up. No YOU hang up.
I've been that guy ferreals.
Liked by: Booky

What are you waiting around for? It's time to Goon things up!

With your encouragement I will be a hockey player with an aggressively physical defensive game.

If the writings of Chris Fields and James Desborough were stricken from the records of RPG history, would that eliminate most of the depravity in the tabletop community?

Not when so much of it comes from the consumers' end.

You can't fool me, Ironicus! Introductory posts are against the rules! Duping innocent people into flushing money down the toilet, is there no end to the depravity of the Swine?

I'm just hoping you'll do something funny someday, my mistake.

What I'm getting at is have you watched The Raid: Redemption yet? It's a really good movie.

Not yet but I did see Jeremy Renner ride a bike? Bourne Legacy is not a good film at all.

Are there any arguments less useful than arbitrarily pointing out a minor difference between things you like and don't like in order to disqualify the latter from an equally arbitrary label?

pssssh you would say that

If it's not too much to ask, can you post a link to my profile on the SA Trad Games forum (unless Syrg already did it)? Your attention makes me famous, after all.

It would carry more weight if you did it yourself. Everyone loves it when new users post a thread to introduce themselves.
Liked by: D K nope. Dani

I know you have to bribe Lowtax to post on his forum. Same for getting unbanned. How much is the going rate for erasing an entire thread? Hypothetically speaking, of course.

The left foot of a newborn babe.
Liked by: Booky nope. Dani

I've got a real zinger for you now, Ironicus: It's not "Edition Warring" when one criticizes a game for its content. Like creepy sex stuff in Carcosa. So how is it "Edition Warring" when somebody compares 4th Edition to World of Warcraft, when Mike Mearls himself drew inspiration from MMORPGs?

I've got a zinger too. It's a sort of snack cake and I find them enjoyable.
Liked by: nope. Drakkel

In the process of creating a story, an author has full control of protagonist design. In a tabletop role-playing game, the Dungeon Master does not have full control of PC design. Therefore, storygames where the PCs are not created by the Dungeon Master are neither stories, nor RPGs. Check and mate

Are documentaries films? Are photographs portraits? Are apples oranges? Am I baller as hell? (yes I am baller as hell)
Liked by: D K Drakkel nope. Dani


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