
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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I was reading Proton Jon's ask.fm and he said people like it when you encourage them and are nice. So basically your awesome. You and Chip are like some of my favorite people. That one guy is a jerk and lame and your the best.

Everyone likes to feel appreciated, thank you. My the best.
Liked by: Booky

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will you blind lp club penguin for us?

I don't know if there's all that much material there, but I guess that just proves how blind it would be.
Liked by: Booky

Right, so basically you're saying, you acknowledge that women being misrepresented in video games is a minor issue compared to violence towards women, but you nor anyone else should even attempt to do anything about it, because it's a bad idea? Also I notice you've begun to talk down to me.

I was hoping you'd notice, I didn't want to make it even more blatant because that might seem rude. Now that you're just flat-out putting words in my mouth and misrepresenting me I'll remind you that you have chosen a venue where I automatically get the last word. Goodbye.
Liked by: Booky

When will you be back on Retsutalk? I miss you xxxx

Going by a coincidence that has become a trend, probably something with a 3 in the episode title.
Liked by: Booky

Ironicus, you deflected my point with that last message. I'm just a student, I have no money and there's nothing I can do to help women in third world countries who are being brutally treated, but someone like Anita has a lot of followers, she could really do something. She just doesn't.

I didn't realize you were on a first name basis. I'm sorry for talking about a friend of yours all this time. I hope you bring this up sometime in your chats that allow you such personal insight.
One thing you can do in your situation is learn about the world around you and how problems can be interrelated, how awareness is help, and how putting all issues on hold to only pay attention to what may be considered the biggest one is a bad idea.

Having refreshed my memory on the uses of the word "irony" you're right. I was referring to the situational irony of "it tried to impress me one way, but I was more impressed by it's failure to properly impress me" with the verbal irony of "I'm saying I like this but I don't really mean it".

I'm here to help in times of pedantic need.

Ironicus, don't get smart with me. There is real life violence against women going on in the world, and yet many feminists would rather prioritize getting angry at video games over getting angry at governments that jail women for being rape victims.

I guess I'll be dumb next time then. Thanks for being a role model.
Liked by: Booky

I never considered liking something ironically to mean that. The way I use the phrase I mean to say I like something because of, not in spite of it's flaws. Things I'd typically consider detrimental to my enjoyment of a good movie can be the entire point of watching a bad one...

... As an example, Wicker Man fails miserably at being a thriller about horror, isolation and conspiracy, but the things that don't work make it a great comedy. So I really genuinely like it, just not in the way it was intended by the people who made it.
You can't like something genuinely and ironically. They are antonyms. Maybe re-work your verbal shorthand?
Liked by: Booky

Sometimes I wonder if future civilizations will look back at message board flame wars as evidence of a barbaric culture, all the while being oblivious to their own new forms of incivility.

In the future we will only communicate in cliches, the sources of which will be long lost. People will continue to talk about forests for trees without ever actually seeing either.

If GTA is symptomatic of violence being considered acceptable in our culture, shouldn't that be a bigger problem than other video games being symptomatic of sexism? Sexism is wrong and all, but I'd classify actual violence as a bigger problem.

It really is too bad we can only talk about one thing at a time. Why can't the laws of physics allow for people to work on two or more problems as a society simultaneously? If only this undue burden was lifted!

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

I'd ask if his ghost has all four legs or still just the three.

Ironicus, I don't understand your GTA analogy. Everyone knows murder sprees aren't a viable form of income, but inversely, everyone knows that women aren't always how they're portrayed in video games, even sexists know that. I don't see how they're making anyone sexist, or how they even could.

Gunplay games like GTA are a part of gun culture though, the somewhat-uniquely American idea that guns are a key to safety, that the solution to guns in schools is to give guns to teachers, if he had gun this not happen, etc. Like I said, games are reflections of the culture they are in, games that rely on well-worn elements even moreso. At that point, they become part of that propogating culture, it's cyclical. We're talking about environment, big loud ever-present easy-to-digest corporate voices vs the little conscientious voice in the corner. This isn't a matter of of input message => output sexist. You're right to consider that silly.

Ironicus, you hate irony and yet you named yourself Ironicus. I feel like there's a word for that...

The word is regret.
Liked by: Booky

Have you ever changed your opinion from positive to negative or vice versa on a creative work after listening to someone's thoughts and analysis?


Is it weird that I get annoyed whenever people talk about liking something ironically? I just feel that it's a cheap way to avoid having intelligent discussions about opinions. You could easily say, "I enjoy this movie for its flaws," instead of, " I like this ironically." It seems to me like *cont.

it's a cheap way to avoid expressing unpopular opinions. Like, "I don't like this movie." "Oh, okay, I like it ironically." Like they're saying. "Well, I actually don't strictly agree with you, but rather than just say that, I'll say I like it, but not really." It doesn't help matters that people often use the term "ironically" to try to hide the fact that they're terrible human beings, like everyone who's "ironically sexist," and shit like that. Am I completely nuts, or am I just partially nuts?
Did... did I ask myself this?
I think it relates to the disposability of criticism. Instead of engaging with a work, we expect it rated on a 10-point scale so we can all look at the number and nod in agreement for the number is truth. Lots of behaviors come from that (8.6). I don't want to rock the boat, so instead of talking about how Tron: Legacy has a powerful and pure depiction of the archetypal wizard in a modern skin and does Campbell about as well as Star Wars, I'll say I liked it ironically. We all know it was a bad movie aside from the soundtrack, right? The tomatometer said so!
There's also a bit of illiteracy when it comes to discussing these things which has a hand. We're taught in school to read books, but not so much visual media. That sucks because while I love books, our lives are permeated with visual media. That's why when people talk about movies it's all plot plot plot instead of composition, visual metaphor, and technique. I lay that at the feet of criticism too.
That should make it clear that I think "ironically" is a shield used for whatever reason, and people can't attack your shitty opinions if they're shielded. Irony itself is the same way, which is why I try to be all about romance, earnestness, and being genuine.

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I don't like the video game damsels in distress video, not because I hate women or even hate feminists, but because her argument implies that video games are responsible for certain evils, when in fact it is only humans who can do evil. It's reminiscent of the old "murder simulators" panic.

Video games are a product of the culture that makes them and are able to either propagate that further, or learn from it. GTA can't teach me that murder sprees are a legitimate way to achieve my goals because I know they aren't. A game can reinforce my unconscious belief that some people need to be helped because they don't have the ability to do so themselves, or at least provide a space where that regressive attitude goes unchallenged.


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