
Yan Ban

Ask @GetKashYani

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How do you maintain strength / a smile even when your mind tells you to give up?

because i have so much to live for

If you had a chance to talk to god right now what would you say to him

Im sorry. But I changey love for women. You knew i would love them so why not make me a man

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How many tattoos do you have and which one is your favorite

i have 15-17 and my fav one is the taurus on my stomach

The girl I decided to pursue is in the Army. I understand the demands etc.. What do you think are some good things to do in order to keep the excitement?

send her sexy pics

If you had to choose between never being trusted or never being loved which would you choose?

never being trusted.

First of all thank you for serving our country well as a coast gaurd. I love that you speak truth no matter how much it hurts. I love how your commited to get what you want. I hope life takes you great places and you find love that last forever . Have a great day yani and may god bless you . - Soso

wow you just turned my day around. thank you

i feel you. i hate when people say dumb shit like get out ya feelings too. cause most of the time im not in them

ahahaha hell yeah

I just wanted you to know..You are definitely a amazing Person..No Caking Shit but you real Cool! I wish you Lived around here! Keep up the good work ❤

thank you love. ill never change

what was your first vine

me jokin a person that was walkin in the hot ass sun and i was driving ahahahahaa "all my life i had to WALK"


Language: English