Shinji Takamine


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When are you going to start Shinjicon?

every con i go to is shinjicon. i don't even need a ball pit.

What do you think people think of you?

i think people think i'm annoying...... because i think i am.

Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

the past, i talk about the past a shit ton.

Are you a good liar?

90% of the time.... but it seems some people might be figuring out my patterns... or maybe they only figure out my really blatant ones.

Are you good at swimming?

no, i'm not, i just was on swim team for like 10 years because i sucked at it.

Do you regret anything?

not really.... not anymore i guess... i'm slowly fixing things.... but i did regret somethings, but shit happens for a reason.

Which guest at AX are you most excited about seeing?

WUG guy
Satsuki's Seiyuu. my 3 ones that i'm super excited to meet.

If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

future, to see how i either succeeded or screwed up.

Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

not really close friends..... last time i saw them though was 3 years ago.


Language: English