

Ask @HaileyDice

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Every time I leave the house I'm going to have to look around now...i'm scared...somebody should take that sniper rifle away from her....

Jake Pirollo
Cause she is old enough to legally own a gun and everything
jk jk

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Well I'm pretty observant, I think I would have noticed...I mean, she can't be that stealthy, can she?!?

Jake Pirollo
Dude Kates a sniper
she's freaking amazing
and stealthy

Yeah...I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd remember being bitten and turned into a zombie vampire witch...but I'm not sure....

Jake Pirollo
Well seeing as Kate did it to me without ne knowing...

So it's contagious over the internet? That doesn't make any sense, but I suppose when your a vampire witch zombie you can pretty much do what you want...

Jake Pirollo
Yeah we can
its pretty awesome
now you can too

What is the weirdest name you have ever heard of?

Well there is this song by Drowning Pool called One Finger and a Fist
its about punching people and flipping them off
but it sounds so wrong....
but its Mah jam
Liked by: Jake Pirollo

Are you gonna update soon?

So pushy....
yeah i'm in the middle of the Legion one
I don't have LOTB on this computer though so its kinda weird and from memory
JUST KIDDING my computer is ancient and decided it was going to restart itself and I lost EVERYTHING I just wrote, like three pages. EVERYTHING. IT WAS SO GOOD TOO
fucking computer I HATE IT

What did you do, give me ur witch magic? Did Kate mind control you into giving it to me again?

Jake Pirollo
Bro we all got witch magic
you just gotta use it
I honestly have no idea where this is going anymore....

No, not really... and I'm a guy, how do I have witch magic?

because why not

I will abuse it too badly...although I'm not sure how much power a vampire zombie society leader has...

Jake Pirollo
Dude you control zombie vampire dark witch magic how much power DONT you have
that didn't make sense

ok thats obviously a yes

I dont see why it matter to you
also, dont assume, it makes an ass outta u and me
and I don't just to clarify

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

There are way more than one thing that people don't know about me


Language: English