
halle mck❣

Ask @Hallebaby77

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yeah but still.. what I'm asking you is even when you're in love, is the actual act of doing it the high point or is it just icing on the cake? do you know what I mean?

oh I understand what you mean..
I believe that you're already in love when you do it so it kinda is the icing haha
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I mean doing it. & ik your list is super short. but still, people make it seem like it's the ultimate expression of love..but to me, even when it's with someone that matters, I think the other stuff means more, like actually proving how much you care in deeds and sacrifice.

honestly I couldn't tell you because I'm one of those people who think it's not right unless you're in love.
I mean everyone has there reasons but, to me I have to love in orderr to do it :$

have you ever hooked up with someone and walked away thinking the physical stuff is overrated? not saying it can't be enjoyable, but idk.. it can feel really empty too.

well first what do you mean by "hooked up"
It could mean so many different things

haha when I asked that q, I swear that ed sheeran's image was in my mind. nice.

he's just so romantic & mysterious
2 things I love about a guy


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