
halle mck❣

Ask @Hallebaby77

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Hi. 1. If you could have any meal right now, what would it be? and why? 2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? and why? 3. If you could meet any celeb, who would it be and why? 4. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

1.Breakfast, because I didn't eat breakfast :(
2. I'd live in Hawaii because it just looks so beautiful there!
3. I'd have to say Miley Cyrus because she seems like so much fun!
4. I'd be a horse because they are so beautiful and graceful (:
Liked by: Patrick Harris

I saw you naked at 24 Best weekend ever!!

I was never naked at 24 ahah?
Except for when I changed in the bathrooom, so unless you had a camera in there or something then no you didn't.
Liked by: Patrick Harris

All yo shit is getting JACKED NIGGA #RAPED

The fuck are you talking about ? You life isn't entertaining enough so you need to mess with other people shit?
Liked by: Patrick Harris

Hey just asking do you usually hold in your fart? Please don't mind me asking you this question

Oh my fucking goddddd LOLLLL.
That's fucked up to ask and nah I just letter ripppp ✌️
Liked by: Patrick Harris


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