
halle mck❣

Ask @Hallebaby77

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I hear such nice things about you, & I want to talk to you, but I'm always to scared to because I don't know what you think of me. :$

awhh goood <3
well talk to me, im not a rude person.. give it a shot :)

It's like kancer or some shit like that kids fucked he looks something off a horror film aha if you don't look him up you'll see what I mean he use to go to public school

thats just rude.
& no kynsers actually a nice kid.

well you know who i am :$ we've hung out a bunch of times :O you're welcome though! and i also think you have the most beautiful eye colour ever !! it drives me crazy <3


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its not a "d" :P silly lol but tbh everything about you drives me crazy :* you're perfect in every way possible <3

hmm i seriously wanna know who this is ... lol
but thanks so much, wish i knew who you were thoo.

you know who i am ? :O how ? <3 but you're welcome though! if you think you know who i am what is the last letter of my first name ? ;)

idk a "d"? :$
i seriously have no clue tbh..

If I had 1,000,000 I would give you all of it because a girl as beautiful as you should not have to work

ahhhhh i wishh,
haha that'd be awesome <33333
but everyone should work i think :)

you are the most beautiful girl on the planet.

awhh, stop...your making me blushh :$
but, eh thanks teheh.

Some of the shit ppl, ask make me rol lol you are stunning though beautiful eyes too :)

rol? & Ahhhh fankkkks so so muchh wishh i could say the same but idk who dis is?

im just some guy you might know and we might have hung out before :O but its true you are the most beautiful girl ive ever seen :* <333333

awhhh, i know who this isssss ;)
but ehhh, thank you <3
you're such a sweetie!

Would you say you have a Nicki Minaj body ;)

definitely not..
we dont even have remotely the same type of body..

you are the most beautiful girl in the world :* andddd i have a huge crush on you

awhh <33
thats sooo nice of you!!
thankkks so much :*
but not true !!!
who are youuuu?? :o

Do you know anyone that brings life to the party? :I

well me :) & my friends are pretty fun not gonna lie ..


Language: English