

Ask @Hardcorequesting

When will people learn to add a redstone comparator to the QDS to stop their AE system voiding stuff when the quest is completed? I have only seen PurpleMentat doing that!

Probably never :(

You guys are announced when a new map with HQM is created, right? Do you have a place where we can see a list of them? I know only 3 maps: Agrarian, Crash Landing and Infernal Skies. Are there any others?

Were working on a new website hardcorequest.com where hoping to have a list up there soon but for now here the sheet we have so far http://bit.ly/1kkcPSW

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Is it too late to join the HQM server?

Patreon's who donate $15 per month get access to the agrarian skies server

Are there plans to improve the QDS block? Like adding a gui or change that it don't accept all items and void stuff?

The short answer is no! the long answer the block was always designed to void items/fluids with out a quest attached, in maps Like agrarian skies where resources are finite you really need to watch what your doing

Are there any features that you wanted to have included in previous versions but have provided too much of a challenge to implement?

Not really the way we implement features is by map type, first sky block and then adventure maps and next who knows.....

What features/new additions/alterations would you like to make to HQM ?

Honestly the list is huge, its only really limited to players imagination, if you know something that might be a good addition let us know and we'll have a think about it (there's not guarantee we will add it), With the help of our patron's were work on feature that are hopefully important to the player,

Do you think that HQM will greatly help Adventure maps?

The hope Is that HQM will help all map types, We really enjoy seeing what mapmakers can come up with, and we really enjoyed thinking about and implementing features to support adventure maps, But there's still allot more ideas and features coming. and a few secrets too.

What single feature has taken you the most time to develop?

probably the edit book, its hard to say because we haven't really tracked the time we spend on features /S

What was your inspiration in creating HQM?

The inspiration for HQM came from a live stream @Lorddusk, @Vswe and I were part of, we made up a set of rules which meant that if you died 5 time we banned you. that was the beginning, We had allot of grand ideas but due to commitments we left it, its wasn't until jaded asked it to pick it up again that it became what it is today , /S

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