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Ask @HerrowKaren

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Zum die Ecke

i am going to speak in english for this one omggg i am sorrry but no i will figure it out omggg i think i already know though :D

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(◕◡◕✿) Hello~ I'm a cookie fairy! Here's a cookie for you! -hands you a cookie- Enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚ ✧

kekeke ~yum yum~ thank you! ^O^

Post a picture of your albums??

omgg i am sorry i am confused what you mean buy this? D: like the music albums I own physically? or digitally? :s


what :O

If you were stuck on an island, what are 3 things you would have brought with you?

omggg i have been asked this question several times in my life and i just don't know how people narrow things down but okay guess one of my cats for company and a gun, and bullets so i can kill for food and when i get tired of living just kill myself.....that sounds awful but reallly i would rather die than be stranded on an island so....omgggg sorrry

I am Korean so idk how this works but how do foreigners get involved with kpop? Like how do they find out about it?

omggg there are a million different ways i am sure ii can only explain for myself and that is through youtube essentially. i mean it doesn't just show up you kind of have to be listening to asian artists to begin with i think? bc i only learned about it through jpop and i know it was the same for a lot of others...but some people might already have friends that listen to it? I think kpop is known well enough now that it is easier to find internationally. Usually it is just found by accident i think and people like how it sounds.

How did you get into the SHINee fandom?

ummm okay i was into jpop /sort of/ it is hard to explain i listened to it but not actively?? i went to check up on some of the artists i liked on youtube and one of the recommended artists was SHINee. The video was rdd and i didn't know what to think at first but i kept listening and then like a week later I saw Lucifer and i was just like in love and started listening to everything and yeahhh
Liked by: Nadja

Tell me about your first boyfriend

oh my god i don't even know where to begin? we dated on and off for like 4 years and it was really dumb most of the time tbh but we had like a really deep emotional relationship i guess though. ummm the last time we broke up he told me he hoped i would die of cancer so that was great. hah but then we became friends /sort of/ once we got in relationships with other people. Though one time he did something to me that really upset me when i still think about it...and we just stopped acknowledging each other after that. yeahhh it is weird to think about tbh he was such a big part of my life but doesn't feel like it. He wasn't want I consider my first serious relationship.
Liked by: Nadja

how are you? :3

I am good at the moment! I am really bored and tired with life in general right now though...it has become a little monotonous...but i am working to make things better so i have high hopes it will... :3

i want to see porn video but i dont have a good link and i'am sure you will give me a good link..

omggg i wish i could help but.....i reallly don't watch any porn.....i know no one will believe be but it is the truth ;A; I am sorry i can't be of any help :((( if you haven't watched any before and just wanting to see some i guess you can go to redtube or something? i don't really know where people go...

are you a virgin?

omggg sadfhjahfjs this question you are making me blush so hard from embarassment rn but no, i am not...^^;;;;;;;;;

what's your favorite shinee era? :-3

ahh! it is still rdd i think! I wanna say dream girl, and i think it will be, but i want to wait until it is over before I sayyy just to be sure i guess :3

how did you get a gif as your display pic ?

you go to this site http://twtkr.olleh.com/ and after signing in you click your dn (it will be by your icon) and on the new page there will be a large icon and three buttons underneath, and you click the middle button. that will take you to another page. On the left click where it says "디자인" it will be the 4th thing down and then you are on the page you need to upload. It is pretty easy to figure out once you are there. I hope that helps. ^^;;

favorite color

omggg idk if i /really/ have one bc it changes a lot....but right now i think it is pink :O (((i never thought i would see the day tbhh)))

Language: English