
Your next girlfriend†

Ask @HeyImLaurenWbu

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1)age? 2)height? 3)current underwear colour and type? 4)single? 5)virgin? 6)wear thongs? 7)gave a blowjob? 8)had anal? 9)masturbate? 10)had your pussy licked? 11)what's your sexiest underwear? 12)bra size? 13)shaven,strip or hairy vagina? 14)Favorite colour

Done this the other day:)

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http://ask.fm/EvaaBreugelmans give this fucking atentionwhore hate

You're the one looking for attention.
Those words can mean more than you think.
They could really upset her.
Those words may be your opinion, but do they really need to be sent around?
The worst part is that if she saw this, you could be the reason she might cut? Or half low self confidence? Or even have suicidal thoughts?
What are you going to gain from her getting hate?
Imagine she saw this and cut because of YOU.. Maybe one day she might cut too deep? Maybe even hit a vein?
And what if she bled to death? What would her parents feel like?
Their angle getting bullied to the point of suicide?
YOU would have to live with that.
Stop sending peoples links around.. Or atleast come off anon!:L

Questions of the day- When a guide dog has a shit, who picks it up?

Litter pickers, they're paid to clean.

For a laugh could a group of girls lift the front wheels of a small Mini car off the ground so there friend couldn't drive away and how many girls do you think it would take ?

Wow, loads of girls?

What happened to your mum??

She had bad anxiety and got depressed.
A few years ago, when I was 12, my beautiful mum took her own life.
At least she's happy and safe now.
Love you mum:(

If you could spend the next 48 hours with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and what would you do?

I would spend it with my mum because I miss her loads:'(
Bake her very sponge cakes and go shopping and swimming!
We'd spend one night just curled up on the sofa, me, mum and dad.
All back to normal again!


Language: English