
Tim Dawson

Coral's Plasmafield seems like a very unconventional weapon, what was the reason you chose to pair it with the shotgun?

Partly because the shotgun is a conventional weapon. The shotgun's defining characteristic is it does high damage in sudden bursts, while the plasma field does less damage continuously, so there's a contrast/compliment between the two.
What might appear to be at odds with that is they're both short range weapons, but the utility of the plasma field lets Coral stay closer to enemies, or advance into dangerous areas where other Androids would be expected to backpedal and strafe. Despite it lacking the raw power other secondary weapons, the way the plasma field can be deployed and then stacked with the shotgun allows it to have a damage boost role befitting a secondary weapon.

Latest answers from Tim Dawson

The new skins in AAC+ homage franchises like Robocop, Mega Man & Power Rangers. Are there other homages I missed, like Liquorice's skin reference? Also are any skins canon? I.e. Starch damaged after her rampage, Peanut's gold armor b4 accident, Shiitake's face camo & Aubergine in full dress uniform.

I think Aubergine might be the only one that's "canon", it's how she looked before she was reassigned to Security.
The others are more "what if".
The new skins in AAC homage franchises like Robocop Mega Man  Power Rangers Are

Growing up in Western Australia, we had Kraft Lemon Spread. It was like a jam, that was sweet and delicious. One of the only reason you want a boring sandwich was if it had lemon spread in it. So I'm curious, if the reason Lemon got a big spread gun, has anything to do with Lemon Spread?

dual analogs
it doesn't but it totally should have

im sure androids usually recharge but do they ever sleep or rest like humans?

Yes, Androids with a CDI above 0 need time off to remain stable and most rest or sleep to some degree. Some even dream but only the most obnoxious ones snore.
im sure androids usually recharge but do they ever sleep or rest like humans

How can skins be unlocked in Cactus+ ?

The new costumes are unlocked by beating six stages with that Android

Approximately how many human crewmembers served on the Genki Star and how many survived the AI takeover?

about 60 crew, with the bulk of that being assigned to the science facilities. (thanks to Androids the ship itself could operate with two or three humans on board) There were also a number of passengers on board.
While there were lives lost, the majority of humans made it to shelters where they waited for their eventual rescue. An unanticipated side effect of the Starch incident was the evacuation and safety protocols were fresh in everyone's minds, minimising casualties.

So uhm, me and my friend starting saying random what-ifs when we thought "What happens if an android doesn't do their job correctly?" Is there a punishment? Or do they just get a new job??

Depends on the Android's employment status! It's common for Androids to be owned by a factory - they seek employment and part of their wages go back to the factory. In that scenario, they get jobs normally and if they don't do it right they might get fired, and go do something else. Cactus, Holly, Lemon, Coral and Peanut are in this situation.
Androids that are bought outright are different since they're property of who bought them. Starch, Aubergine and Shiitake are owned by the Genki Star company. If a purchased Android is not fit for purpose they might get on sold or just sent off to be decommissioned at a facility designed to do this in a 'humane' way.
But with Android's legal status being somewhere between expensive consumer goods and animals, any Android is in danger of this fate if they mess up badly enough, like human injury or causing excessive financial damages.

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what kinda stuff would the assault androids do outside of work? :> im really into the characters backstories and relationships

The Androids generally have hobbies - Holly likes reading and is an amateur historian, Lemon has been getting into gardening but also keeps trying to arrange karaoke nights, Coral puts plenty of time into her martial arts - both training and the online Android community connected to it. Peanut is a bit of a loner and tends to prefer tinkering with machines and engines, while poor Shiitake is so bored she generally kills time inventing new games to play like figuring out the maximum range she can hit a tin can from.

Hi. i just wanted to know, and i know you've moved LONG on, but...what are your memories/thoughts/feelings about Dragon Tails? Good, bad, THANK THE GODS IT'S GONE FOREVER, etc. <3 you, <3 DT, <3 everything you've done since, thanks for everything~

Dragon Tails was a very important stage in my life and taught me a lot about the creative process, online communities, how to summon motivation from nowhere repeatedly even when you feel like crap and where to put my commercial expectations (no, lower than that, no keep going, no I'll tell you when) all which ended up being readily applicable to indie game dev.
I still love the characters and their adventures and mostly when I think about it I remember story-lines I didn't get to tell and places I wish I'd gone with it. I regret the way it ended - semi planned, then a shuddering attempt at a relaunch that quickly died, and my subsequent abandonment of the whole thing (mostly out of embarrassment but I was going through a lot at the time) since both the comic and the community deserved better. The game attempt was an interesting case of trying to merge my two passions together, and of trying to compete at Olympic level hurdles before I could walk.
When I re-read it a while back I was struck by how personal yet impersonal the whole thing was, and how the one thing the strip didn't want to be was just what was expected of it. In my approach to game design now I would refer to this as generating wonder or a feeling of generosity or something similar, and its fascinating to see the roots of that.
Anyway, thank you for bringing it up, and thank you for enjoying and remembering my comic. It means a lot.

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Hi i just wanted to know and i know youve moved LONG on butwhat are your

Me and the Mrs still play the daily drive on ps4, I'm one level away from S+ it all (curse you Medulla!). Firstly, thank you for creating such a amazing game! Love the characters, world, design, all of it! My question is if you still have any of those t shirts for sale with the androids on them?

Thank you!! I'm glad you're both enjoying the game and it means a lot to hear this kind of thing.
There are still three designs up on TeeSpring ( https://teespring.com/search?q=assault%20android%20cactus ) and I'm looking into the best way to offer the other designs / future designs going forwards

Will there be a sequel to Assault Android Cactus?

I'd really like to make one!!! ... after I've done some other stuff

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