
Zoe Molyneux

20 interesting or not so well known things/facts about William Beck? (:

Okay so, this is a little tricky haha. I'm don't know him personally or whatever, I'm just a good researcher when it comes to favourite celebrities. 😂🙈 It probably won't be all 20.
1) He's married to Hannah Mallatratt (the daughter of the late Stephen Mallatratt who was the original adaptator of the original Woman In Black.)
2) They married in 2010 in Bath.
3) He originally started to train at Medical School before deciding he wanted to go into acting.
4) He's a keen golfer, not wrestler. 😂
5) He first met his wife whilst he filmed The Agent (Hannah was the Make-Up artist.)
6) Will can't swim.
7) He's got a scar underneath his (right?) eye.
8) Him and his wife owns a dog named Dustin.
9) He's a smoker (or was).
10) He knows Jessie Wallace (Kat from EastEnders) they both attended the same drama school (The Poor School).
11) He has 2 children (twins) Blake and Max.
12) He's so different to Dylan personally. Will has good sense of humour compared to Dylan's dry sense of humour. The accent his slightly different, although they do look a like. :-)
13) Will needs to win an award for all his outstanding acting. He's better than most recognisable actors, although he doesn't get recognised as much as he should.
14) Will fundraises for lukaemia and lymphoma research, and has been running the London Marathon, half-marathons, 10k's and also the National Lottery Anniversary Run.
That's all I can think of you to now. I won't mention he's Welsh because that's obvious. 😂

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