
Jack Powell

Ask @JackPowell169

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what happened with the shooting at sandy hook?

I'm not going to pretend to know exactly what happened, because honestly I haven't spent much time on it. What I do know is there are a lot of inconsistencies with what actually happened, such as reports stating Adam Lanza, the shooter, died two days before the shooting actually took place, a little girl who was reportedly a victim being having her face shown in all the papers and news channels until a mother from across the country claimed that it was her daughter who was alive, the fire-drill like evacuation during the shooting caught on camera where people where just walking around in circles and not actually making any attempt to leave the area or get help, and the fact Adam Lanza was allegedly sat in the front of the police car when they caught him. What also makes me question the official story is why have we heard nothing of the event since? No trial preparations, no news from the jail where Adam Lanza is being held, no statements, nothing. This man shot up a school. We even get regular news from James Holmes, The Batman Killer. But nothing from this guy.

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if you don't like people calling you a conspiracy theorist, what would you prefer they called you?

I don't mind the term conspiracy theorist, when it's used in a non derogatory way. The term conspiracy theorist these days has grown to be an insult towards people who question everything they hear from the media, society or the government. I even use the term conspiracy theorist myself, because by definition I AM a conspiracy theorist. I just don't like when people use the term to talk down to me or other critical thinkers. Is it such a bad thing to use one's brain for it's purpose and not just be spoonfed information? I would much rather prefer to be called a conspiracist or a critical thinker or a truther than a conspiracy theorist, but if people choose to refer to me as a conspiracy theorist I'm fine with that as long as the term is not used to make me sound like a tin foil nutjob.

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why is it bad for david cameron to not agree with the tube strike?

It's not that, I have been known to disagree with bus and tube strikes, especially when they fall on a day I need to rely on public transportation........
No, it's the way he said it will hit hard working families the hardest, that is so hypocritical when we have:
Bedroom Tax
The Rise of VAT
Zero Hour Contracts
and all the other bullshit him and his cronies are pulling, if he wants to point the finger for why hard working families are having it so tough atm, he needs to point it closer to home.

Advice anon here. Supposing you had a friend, and they weren't eating much, and you were really worried because you thought they might be developing an eating disorder, but whenever you tried to bring up the subject they looked really uncomfortable and asked if you could change the subject, what wou

I personally would bring the subject up regardless of if they felt uncomfortable because I think people need to face their problems head on if they are to have hope if dealing with them.... Like say if someone's an alcoholic, when you bring up to them the possibility of them being an alcoholic they need to fact that possibility rather than dodge the conversation you get what I mean? But that's just me, if you don't feel comfortable being blunt like that I think you should go to a close family member of that person- make sure someone who takes care of the person like a parent knows your concerns, that's really all you can do. All the best.

do you have a job at the moment if so how did you get it and give me some advice

I don't have a job at the moment, but I do have an interview this Friday so fingers crossed :) It's hard out there, all you can do is apply for literally everything you see, even if you're not qualified to do it, you never know they might offer you training or another vacancy they have....... Just E-mail employers, cold call them, hand in CVs, do it literally everywhere, someone somewhere will notice you eventually, that's what I'm doing

why do you think smacking a child is a justifyable punishment?

Because I was smacked as a child and I grew up a well adjusted member of society..... If it was such a terrible thing wouldn't I be against it?
Plus, there are certain acts which cannot be punished by "time out" or grounding.... If, for instance, your child hits another child, or even hits you, I believe smacking to be a very appropriate punishment, because it instills in your child that they cannot run around smacking people and not expecting to get a smack back.

can you do a movie review of captain america : the winter soldier thanks

I will do my best to get it watched and reviewed, thanks for the suggestion :)

Is it wrong to kill animals for human consumption?

Not to kill them for food, because there is a natural food chain we as humans are at the top of. Our emotions sometimes make us question the morality of such acts, which is why certain religions and ways of life only allow meat eating if it has been killed in what their society deems a "humane" way. I do however disagree entirely with using animals in tests etc for things which are not essential to our survive e.g cosmetic products... And although I'm not religious and therefore do not eat only food which has been killed a certain way, I do not agree with some of the tactics the food market uses (e.g the recent KFC scandal which exposed KFC for breeding chickens to be kiilled and eaten, with no beaks, no legs and wired to machines which pumped them full of fat). While I disagree with these methods, and will speak out on them, I feel it is useless to attempt to find food which has NOT been killed in an inhumane manner or bred to be killed, and to attempt to find products which have NOT been animal tested at some point. Even all of these "fair trade" and "animal friendly" products are never made without some form of suffering, so it really is futile to attempt to find products and foodstuffs which have been produced entirely suffer-free. And besides, even if it could be done, you as an individual are not going to make a difference. The industries will just overlook you as some sort of do gooder hippie who is not in their interest base and continue their operations as if you never existed, continuing to churn out overprocessed genetically modified food to fat shits who do not care what is in their food or how the animal died, and nice smelling fragrances to rich douche bags who couldn't care less about little bo peep who lost her sheep during product testing. I have the same attitude with saving the environment- Turning my TV off standby isn't going to do much to help. Directly addressing the issue of the big corporations and industries which damage the environment IS. And besides, while we're on the subject of global warming, the earth has been through far worse than we've thrown at it. So if turning off my light at night isn't going to have a massive impact on the environment, how, logically, is changing my diet or wearing habits going to have a massive impact on the animal tesing industry? It's not. That's the arrogance of mankind. The ability to think that we, as individuals, can make a substantial difference by doing one small thing. If we really want to stop animal testing and evil treatment of animals who are being bred for food (which I for one DO), we either need to get the majority of human beings on our side and to switch to non animal tested products and Kosher meat (which would mean the majority of humans would also have to come to an agreement on a justifiable and humane way to kill animals for food), which would then make a substantial dent in the animal testing and food industries, enough for them to possibly change their ways.

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what happened to princess diana?

She was murdered because she was about to marry a muslim man, and was likely pregnant by his child. Plain and simple.

If you was a girl well I guess you could also be a guy. If a guy/girl made you feel so worthless. Even called you worthless. Which hurt you so much you self harmed. Would you forgive him/her. But here's the catch you love them!

Here's what you do: drop that fool and move on. It might be hard and you might love that person, but you deserve better than someone who's going to make you feel worthless. But at the same time, forgive them. Not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.

why are you against GMOs?

Why would it ever be morally correct to put harmful and even lethal substances in the foods people are eating just to gain profit? I mean, I know they do it with cigarettes and alcohol, but that's different, people KNOW the dangers with tobacco and alcohol and there are even campaigns and advertising warning of the dangers. There is NEVER any warning about GMOs.

What is something you find hard to stop once you have started?

Masturbating. SO many people have opened the door and I've been unable to stop. Makes things very awkward. I find direct eye contact usually smooths things out though.

why do you think bin laden is dead?

He was seriously ill, Kidney Dialisis is no cold and flu type shit. And in the conditions he must have been living in? He'd have to be iron man to survive

can you summarise the 9/11 conspiracy theory?

There's more than just one theory. My personal theory is that the people behind the government ordered the government to carry out this attack to invoke fear and panic and be able to slip in The Patriot Act, a Bill revoking the rights of suspected "terrorists", and increasing surveillance on the average American Citizen, under the guise of "national security". Also mentioned in this Bill are compulsory RFID chips and the detainment of those who refuse the chips (And the rest of the NEW WORD ORDER, the words are actually used, I have read the Bill myself) without trial, without legal representation, and without any rights for an undisclosed amount of time. The WTC complex was destroyed using thermite and explosives, and commercial airliners were used as an add on, sort of an aftertouch. The Pentagon was possibly hit by a missile or some other projectile, given the shape of the hole and the precise area hit. This "terrorist" attack was used to justify not only the Patriot Act, but also the war In Iraq for oil, and the invasion of Afghanistan for opium. Osama Bin Laden has been declared dead multiple times since 9/11. He was travelling back and forth to and from America in order to receive treatment for his kidney dialisis, and he was a former ex CIA operative. Some believe him to still be alive, due to the lack of a released image of his body, others believe him to be killed not long after 9/11. I lean towards the latter.

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do you believe in the friendzone?

The friendzone is when a girl is a little ho and pretends to be interested in a guy romantically whenever it suits her.... Any other time she "just wants to be friends".

why would the elite want to have a ww3?

To put an emergency procedure involving martial law, microchipping and removal of basic human rights into effect on the grounds of "national security". The more control they have over the regar citizen, the more stable and secure their position of wealth and power is.

why would they want china to get involved with the ukraine?

From a political angle, both Russia and America would love for China to go into Ukraine on their side. From a conspiracists angle, it could be an attempt by the elite to kickstart ww3 and put the endgame into effect


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