

Ask @JoshKalogerakos

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Hell yes you got a 3ds!! Um but what games do you have for the n64

Yeah! And I have all Legend of Zelda games released for it, Mario Kart 64, Golden Eye, Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, Smash Bros, and I have a few others :p I just listed my favourites x)

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Game Systems You Own

(Oldest to newest including handheld systems)
Sega Genesis
Game boy Advance
Nintendo 64 (my favourite)
Game boy SP
Nintendo DS Lite
Xbox 360
Nintendo 3DS

Whats Waynes world about

It's about two guys making a tv show and making it big and Wayne really wanted a Fender Strat like I do :'D Garth is my favourite character xD

Cause when you add me I'll feel special and feel like you acknowledged me instead of the other way around. Yeah I'm weird like that

Tell me who you are and I'll add you :p

I also feel like Europeans aren't into the circumcised thing. Its usually Americans and a 10% of the Canadian population

What's with you and circumcised wiens???

Thoughts on amandaa?:)

Shes in my msip and from what I can tell, she's pretty quiet x) but she seems nice and she's really cute and I can't tell how old she is xD excuse my run on sentence :p we should talkkk c:


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