
Justin Bieber

Ask @JustinDBiiber

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hey guys!

the us http://ask.fm/swagteam69 got hacked look https://twitter.com/69SwagTeam/status/333686880858148864 thats not cool. hackers are attacking everywhere,
protect ur account.
look at @swagteam69 .. someone is pretending to be me and my friends from team. thats not swag.
unfortunately we cant recover our account, then we had to make another one..
Ask us questions here - http://ask.fm/theswagteam69
and follow us on #swag69team on twitter - https://twitter.com/69SwagTeam/ . thanks


Hello everyone!
Dear friends! I ask you, from now on me write only important questions.
Since the answer to all the questions I still will not.
I love you, but understand that the questions "hello", "how are you", "are you for real?" "Follow me on Twitter" I will not answer.
The answer to questions related to life.
If you have a problem, or you need advice, please contact me, I will answer.
But the simple questions I will not answer.
With love,
Your Justin Bieber


Language: English