
Justin Bieber

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opinion on girls?

Honestly, girls get judged in a bad way for every little thing they do. Like if a girl wants to get high, let her be. You don't think girls that smoke are attractive? They're not smoking to look cute for you, they do it to relief stress & take their mind off of things. If a girl wants to drink, let her be. You don't like it when girls get sloppy when they're drunk? They're not drinking to be conservative for you, they do it to let loose & put themselves in a good mood. You don't like it when girls put on too much make up? They're not putting on make up to please you, they do it to deal with their insecurities & just to have fun. It's her life, her choices, whether you think it's right or wrong, let her learn on her own & stop when she wants to.

perfect relationship?

Hold her hand, hug her and kiss her unexpectedly. Make her feel protected. Call her cute unique names. Baby and babe are always good, but whatever happened to cupcake and honey-pie etc l0l. I'd be cute with her. Like a fucking princess and well I'd try my hardest to make her happy everyday. We'd take cute pictures together and show off to the world how happy we are together and see them get jealous because we have the relationship they all want. We'd do loads of random shit together and we wouldn't even care purely because we were with each other, that's all that'd matter. I'd cook for her randomly and then we could just sit there feeding each other and sharing food and she could like bite the food from my mouth if you know what I mean? When she is down, I'd be there for her, I'd be her shoulder to cry on, I'd wipe away those tears and turn them into tears of happiness and joy, I couldn't bare seeing my baby girl upset, it would kill me, luckily she is a strong person so she doesn't really let anything get to her. We'd go on cute, random walks at night and end up in god know's where and we still wouldn't care, just because we were with each other. She'd get tired from walking all night, so we'd find a nice spot and just lay... together... looking up at the beautiful stars. I'd get her to rest her head on my chest as she starts to drift off. It would just be me and my girl, in a peaceful, silent surrounding, just looking up at the gorgeous pitch black sky. Then after letting her sleep I'd have to wake her up, but I wouldn't make her walk all the way back again, I'd carry her or give her a piggy back. Then when we got home I'd take her straight upstairs to bed and tuck her in nice and tight and make sure she is all wrapped up and snuggly, I'd move her hair out of her face and kiss her on the lips and then her forehead. We'd be the cutest couple ever! I wouldn't be a protective boyfriend... if she wants to talk to other guys... fine by me, I trust her. She is free to do whatever the hell she like's, she doesn't need to change for me. Make up or no make up.. she is still perfect. Joggers or a dress... she is still perfect. Hair just let loose or hair done up.. she is still perfect. I'd be one of those boyfriend's who wouldn't care about anyone else and what they think and there opinions, all that matters is my girl. I know most guy's don't like doing all the cute stuff with there girlfriend's cause they think it's "gay" or "uncool" but i don't care, i would do anything for my girl, if that means in public and in front of everyone then so be it. If she wants cuddles, she gets cuddles, if she wants kisses, she gets kisses, whatever she wants.
someone do this with me?:(

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cute things you'd do for a girl?x

Give her my favourite hoodie for her to wear whenever she's cold or missing me. Try and make cakes or stuff with her and end up having a fight with the mixture and then go have a shower with her to wash it off. Go for long walks with her and find a long field to lie down in and cuddle and just watch the world go by, if she got tired I'd give her a piggyback. I'd do her hair for her and then we'd laugh at how badly I'd done it. We'd call each other silly nicknames that only we understood. We'd insult each other and make faces at each other but we'd take it all as a joke. I'd kiss her randomly all the time just to show how much I love her and cuddle her from behind while she's speaking to her friends. I'd hold and kiss her in the rain. I'd cuddle her and kiss her in front of my friends to make them jealous of my gorgeous girl. Stay in and watch films with her and eat pizza and chocolate until she falls asleep on me then I'd carry her to bed and cuddle up with her and fall asleep. I'd lay in bed with her and cuddle her and talk about anything we can think of until she falls asleep on my chest. I'd teach her to play the PS3 and I'd let her win because I'm nice ;) we'd feed each other food and get it all over each other and we'd find it hilarious and get the giggles. I'd take her out to get food, watch a film or go shopping ALL the time and spoil her rotten. I'd do anything I could as long as it made her happy because the thing I'd want to see all the time is her smile.

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