

Ask @KHammond

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i don't know what is happening but don't ever think of ending everything, you are perfect babe and you will find the right one who will treat you like you deserve, chin up bby xxx

hannah blue
thankyou baby girl xxx
Liked by: hannah blue

Please don't cry, you need to stay strong, I've been in the same place you are right now and I can't tell you its the worst feeling ever, thinking your going to gorw up with no one to love you, but you will cuz your a great guy, and having those horrible thoughts, remeber you always have me<3 xxxxxx

ive got you and yoyve got me babe;)xxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Larissa

I know I should sleep but I can't stand to see you upset, don't worry one day you will be happy, you will find someone, and she'll be a lucky girl, please don't be sad, cheer up things will get better <3 xxxxx

near enough in tears thinking about what ive been put through tbf, thinking of how close i was to ending all the Missouri </3 xxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Larissa

I swear I wont judge, it's ok if you don't want, & I'll just help whenerver I can. :)

aw thankyou im upset i cant


Relised everything happens for a reason, flirting with many girls doesnt make you a lad, makes you a cunt and now noone will trust you, you wont have a stable relationship and this is why im single, i get close with a girl and then bam no contact, happened to me about 5 times this month :./ never gunna be happy!
Liked by: Larissa Daddy

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CD (✔)
Liked by: CD (✔)

Bbe I'm going to go to bed now, night night =P ily <3<3 xxxxxxxx

you need to send that sign to my fb remember!! and okay baby night night sweet dreams ilylots <3<3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Larissa


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