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My Book

The Struggle To Fit In by Chris Hammond
Society is pushing teenagers aside if they have a different dress style to the other "normal" kids who just want to fit in.People are becoming bullied because of this reason, suicide and self harm have increased in the past year because of bullies picking on the weak or poor children who cant fit in and strangely stand out for being "different".
There's this girl called Crystal, she was around the age of 8 when this traumatic event took place, it's term is RAPE. She was raped by her half uncle. She didn't know what was going on at the time due to her age! This saddening thing happened until her uncle called George passed away 2 years ago, Crystal is now 16. The exact age where you want to have a loving family,a cute relationship with a perfect boyfriend, trustworthy and loyal friends who stick by you whatever the reason.Well she isn't one of those typical bleach blonde haired girls who want to be barbie and popular.
Crystal has a very respectable personality as-well as a huge craze for the 70's fashion on clothing. She pulls it off very well but however. Everyone judges her for the cruel,brutal attack on her by her uncle for several years. She trusted her ex-best friend called Jessica. Told her every time she was raped and attached , ever single detail. The best friends had a falling out and out of revenge Jessica spread this sickening thing as revenge and just done it for gossip but it changed Crystal for the worst.
This is a little message on how society shouldn't judge anyone anymore because you can only be yourself, never pretend to be anyone else. Sometimes people believe in those horrible lies these scum of people called anons or bullies tell them to do! You never know what happens after you've done something!

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My Perfect Relationship!!

this is gunna be cringey so if u dont like that type of stuff then hi, stop reading
right, we would talk everyday, not all the time but most of the day, we wouldnt be together 24/7 cos everyone needs space, for friends and family
but when we are together say like at my house, id be comfortable around her, so i wont feel the need to get dressed up, be in joggers and jumper, we'd bake together then cuddle up in my bed with loads of food and watch movies, id buy her little gifts and things she likes, just to remind her how much she means to me, my family would be like her's and her would be like my second family. id invite her to all family events she'd make the effort to talk to my family, nothing would be awkward., it wont be meaningless, when we argue i just pull her close and kiss her to shut her up. we'd go for days and weekends away and it would be perfect. long walks. id want millions of pictures with her, not for facebook or anything, just for me and her to see. we'd have long phone calls most nights and she wouldnt just be my girlfriend, she'd be my bestfrend. things would be perfect. #copied
treat her like the only girl in the world, only girl i wanna be with right now, cuddle her in bed, treat her like family when shes with my family, enjoy being cute and enjoy being childish, take her on long walks! A true relationship!
-lip biting
-when girls lick their lips
-surprise kisses or hugs
- seductive waist grabbing
- Someone do this:O

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heyy:) You ARE NOT PATHETIC OR BAD LOOKING!>.< I dont know you but im sure you are beautiful inside and out :) that is all that matters:) You are goodlooking btw c: <3 keep smiling :3

aw i smile but a fake one, aw means alot!<3


I have recently realized that im losing alot of trust with alot of people recently, and im not close with anymore and i have less confidence:(
how could i gain more trust with people?
Liked by: Ty$

so tell me a little about you're self if u want to

wiling to do most stuff
bad looking
plays drums


Language: English