
Kane Willows

Ask @KaneHusky13

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Why is your character named Cobra if he is a wolf?

Cobra: My dad told me I got my name from him. Ironically his name was Viper. He was named by his mother, who he explained was a very... "Frightening" woman. She wanted her first son to be a strong leader, so she named him after a deadly serpent.
I was named Cobra half in honor for my grandmother, and half because, and I quote "Your mother would string me alive if she knew I gave you that name". He loved to mess with mom when she was alive...
That's really my story on why I was named "Cobra".

Tell me one weird thing about each of your main characters that I might not know!

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
*whispers* This is gonna be so good
Cobra has Arachnophobia. He HAATES spiders after being freaked out from a fair sized wolf spider when he was little. He hates spiderwebs more than spiders because they get in the way of his face. He freaks out at the mere appearance of a spider, especially those that are a lot bigger than his hand. Don't ever show him spiders that are the size of full grown adults though. He'd faint.
Jade and Leryssa are polyamorous! Both of them have one another, but when Jade or Leryssa are feeling particularly frisky, they don't mind having a nice romp with someone else. So long as they return to their roots, they're alright. Also, Jade has this weird thing she can do with her tongue and a candy-cane...
Masuyo, with an avid interest in nature, actually takes up nudism at times. In her different types of meditation, in order to induce her godly power of Renewal (for that is her god given "job" so to speak), she strips herself of clothing and meditates in seclusion, usually in forests.
Jakal... uhm.. He likes to eat weird things for breakfast. Like if there's leftover lasagna, he'll eat that instead of breakfast food.
Blight is a bibliophile, which is a person who just loves books. Mainly because of books only being his support whenever he had to stay home while the parents were away, he developed the liking over time. You can never find him without a good book to read. His favorites are Shakespeare's tragedies.
And Samuel. Quiet and shy Samuel. He's a kinkster.
...What? Didn't you know? It's always the quiet ones.

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What do you think of the Kardashians?

Well I can't really say. I'm not keeping up with them.

General Pierce: What's religion like in Sujishio-o? Polytheistic? Monotheistic?

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
My religion is specifically Polytheistic. We don't condemn the ideals of other religions. Our belief has no name, however, it has many figures. The most prominent figure in our religion is Anatama Mashiha, the Deity of the Souls. It is said that he created the very fabric of the universe as a place for those lost in the darkness. He made a place for everyone to stay up in the sky and established godly roles to spirits. He's a very patient and mellow deity and will accept anything and everyone. With time, when people pass away on earth, the souls find themselves among other spirits in the night sky, along with Mashiha, where they watch over the people who still inhabit the earth. At times, when a soul disappears from the sky, it's said that they are visiting a living relative or family member.
There are other deities, certain ones hold certain jobs, each created from a spirit that was lost in the void. They all worked to create the world.
It's a very peaceful religion, and it has a lot of lore surrounding it. I recommend looking into it :)

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How technologically advanced is Sujishio-o? Are full body transplants( http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/feb/25/first-full-body-transplant-two-years-away-surgeon-claim ) possible? Can people be brought back from the dead or a coma?

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
Cobra: Well, technology in the way you present it isn't really quite used in Sujishio-o. A majority of the skills that are attained are though magic. A lot of technology came from before Sujishio-o and a lot of other cities were established, but it's lost now. We focus on the utilization of magic. Trust me, I would be all over the usage of technology if it weren't for the fact that the works and ideals of technology were lost who knows how long ago.
As for bringing people back from the dead or comas... Comatose states are easily fixed with an electric pulse. I had learned how to wake people from black-outs by shocking them awake. For Comas, it's just a quick jolt to the head and they're okay. Death, however, is not something people can be brought back from. Necromancy was a skill that was limited to necromancers who existed on a world that is now destroyed. It's an extinct art. There may be a time where the dead can be brought back... but now isn't the time. Hell, I would have bought the deceased members of Satohira back if death was so easily cured.

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Do all of your characters exist in the same world? If not, tell me a little about their separate universes/timelines!

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
Oh, most of my characters exist in separate worlds!
Cobra, Masuyo, Skhen, and Arken live in a Universe where there had been many worlds that one can travel through via an area at the "End" of their worlds. At this time, there only exists the realm of Wolves and the realm of Humans. There were dragons but they're almost extinct cuz of a war between wolves and dragons...
Jade and Leryssa lives in another world. If you've been keeping up with her diary (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thediaryofjadewillows), she lived on an island in the Aslidan Capitol, Meilura. It's basically a sort of modern furry world they live in.
Jakal and Blight live in a sort of Underground England. Like, literally underground. Crazy shit went down and that world's kind of in a bad position.
That's about everyone I think!

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General Pierce: Batting the ball back into your court, Sir Cobra, does Sujishio-o consider torture a valid means of interrogation?

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
Cobra: Torture was a very valid means of interrogation, more so in the earlier years of development in Sujishio-o than today. Depending on the situation, if there was someone who had information, most of the time, torture was implemented. The Emperors, upon considering this method figured that nothing can make a man or woman relay information quicker than with pain.
Normally, there would be two to three torturers in a room with the interrogatee, depending on what device was being used. Among them, there would be a healer, who would be sure the interrogatee would not perish from the wounds sustained from the torturers. It's an impressive method, if I say so myself, however, at times, I think there's a less violent way of gaining information, which is probably why I inquired you about it. :)

What's the biggest difference between you and your main fursona?

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
I'm assuming you mean Kane... Which is difficult to answer because technically, he /is/ me. Just a sort of personification of my dry dumb self. He's mostly aloof and quiet, but very open-minded and thoughtful. I think the differences between him and me is that he's a bit more calculated in his words during conversations, while I kind of just say what's on my mind. I could pull something way out of left field and somehow make it only the slightest bit relevant to a conversation. Kane is the opposite.
I guess a better way of stating this is I'm more bent on making things memorable by making it a little entertaining, while Kane is more down to earth about explaining things. :) ~Phoenix

You get to pick one superpower. What is it?

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
A superpower?
Hm... I would love the power to create things. Just out of the blue with my mind. I'm not sure wha that power is called, but it's super cool! I can just create things whenever I think about it... That is my super power!

What's your favorite pickup line?

Oh gods this is gonna be terrible. I'm sure everyone's favorites are gonna be original here.
Cobra: I could give you a shock you've never felt before... (God that was terrible I'm sorry)
Masuyo: *giggle* *snort* (the best part is that he's not wrong)
A haiku!
I control the wind
It moves with grace and with force...
Can you tame this storm?
Jade: Hehe, you gotta put some more body language into that one~ Hm.. Pick up line... I'm a treasure hunter baby... Mind if I raid your chest?
Leryssa: That was so bad.
Jade: Well you do better!
Leryssa: ...Listen, Jade, if you want to get to my chest you'll have to explore my cove first. And trust me, it's pretty wet in there.
Jade: *golf claps* Very nice.
Jakal: Psh, whatever. I'm the master of pick up lines... I make guns for a living. I like testing them out... AKs, uzis... I got a special brand right here. Wanna give it a try?
Blight: Careful, it's got a slippery trigger.
Cobra: OH SNAP
Masuyo: Wow
Jade: Holy shit!
Jakal: Dude, fucking really?
Blight: My work here is done. I don't even need to say anything else.

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Answer cont.

Masuyo: Goodness I didn't know there was a word limit on answers... Now, I am the last of Kane. I represent two things; I am the image of his "perfect" mate, which flatters me quite a lot. I am also the side that dreams of new potentials and possibilities. I think greatly on what I want to be. In my family, my mother wants me to become a priestess, but I'm not interested in that position, even when I'm trained in such a position. My flaw is that, even though I am knowledgeable, I believe I'm better than everyone else. This gives me bad first impressions on people, which can ruin a starting relation with some. I'm strengthening myself by letting myself not thinking I'm better than anyone else... Unless the person I encounter somehow proves that they're absolute trash...
Now these are my deepest parts of me. Each of them, my characters, reside within me. We are one.
Yeah, they have their problems that arise at certain times, but they continue to work to become better people. Just as I am working to become a better person. By my characters conquering their flaws, I can conquer mine.

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How many fursonas do you have and how are they significant to you

Oh gosh, that is a very great question...
I have... a few characters. I counted ten characters! Each one of them are either fairly developed or in the developmental stage. However, of the characters that are significant to me, I have to narrow down the list to about 6 characters. The reason these listed characters are significant to me is because they represent a small fraction of the big picture; Me. "Kane". Each one of them represents some part of me... I'll let them explain.
Cobra: I'm Cobra Satoshira. I represent the open happy attitude of my creator, Kane. I also represent the anger he feels of the imperfections he holds; mainly the imperfection of not knowing the unknown. I charge head first into things, thinking I know how things are going to go down, and I mess up. I get mopey and angry and I don't let stuff go when I should... I know what I have to do to fix it though. By listening and accepting that I don't know everything and that mistakes are going to happen, I'll be better off.
Jade: I'm Jade Willows. I represent the desire for affection and love he feels... as well as some... "hidden" desires. I may be seen as a flirtatious young woman, but the most I want is affection and at times, and sometimes, I stay in situations for too long just to get it. I'm smarter now, and I can determine a wonderful person from a person who would simply use me for me, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I can miss the minor details of someone... which can cause me to lash out at people closest to me.
Jakal: I'm Jason "Jakal" Craw. I'm basically the crude humorous part of Kane. Sometimes, I can pull a laugh out of someone. Other times, when my flood-gate of a mouth is open, I tend to say some troubling things, which can hurt the relationship with some people I spend time with. I got a better check on my words now, but god was I terrible.
Blight: I am Blight Anderson Wright. I am the silent seriousness and solitary side of Kane. My flaw is that I am the part of Kane that loathes. Due to bad relationships, a lot of my thoughts go to what I could have done or should have done or what would be easier for me to do than to face consequences. Being raised on a seemingly "perfect" setting, whenever I'm not what is seen as that, I loathe myself. In a sense, I'm like Cobra, but less naïve I suppose. Less... childish anger. I still have a ways to go until I grow out of thinking lowly of myself when I am not "perfect".
Samuel: I'm... Samuel Reeds, a black lab with a pen that can change the world. I'm the more timid part of Kane... I don't speak up about a lot of things... mainly because I don't want anyone to think negatively of me. I've been raised to be polite and accepting... It's because of this... I feel mistreated at times, and I'm forced to laugh off some things people do or say to me. What I want is thicker skin. I'm getting it as I continue to grow under Kane's pen.

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How do your characters act when they're drunk?

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
Cobra: I only drank once in my life. I guess I was a pretty happy drunk who spat nonsense. That is until apparently another drunk came up to me and we got in a fight and I came out of that not only without so much as a scratch, but with no recollection of what happened... Just stories, which I'm going with.
Masuyo: It was this weird mix of his hand to hand combat and the imbalance and unpredictability of whatever he had drank. It was a spectacle to behold, but, at the same time, he trashed the bar... I'm glad he's still a babbling sweetheart when he's drunk, but when he's provoked, expect to leave with a few bruises and broken arms... Oh, and I don't drink.
Jade: *sips whiskey* I'm a bit of a nymph when I get drunk. I'm thankful my darling, Leryssa doesn't drink 'till she's tipsy. I would have been in some sticky situations if it weren't for her behind me. A lot of the good drinks come from my homeland. *whispers* Some of the drinks get their taste from our spit. owo
Leryssa: It sounds weird and gross, but, trust me, it's exotic drink and it's very delicious. Even though her species' spit is a paralyzing toxin to other species, it's surprisingly very malleable. Just add a little something into it and it's not a toxin anymore.
Blight: Well... I can't drink... I just can't drink.
Jakal: Hahaha! Poor guy falls over after like a little bit of Brandy!
Blight: Says the guy who picks bar fights after at least ten unhealthy shots of tequila and tonic!
Jakal: Oh, psh, I can drink my weight! Yeah, I'm an angry drunk... Not proud of it, but it hasn't gotten me killed.
Blight: Yet... What about you... What was your name...?
Arken: My name... I am the ssscnAKE of the desherts...
Cobra: That's Arken. He likes to drink away his sorrows. He gets pretty emotional.
Arken: WHO'S EMOTIONAL?! I'm not... Ahm... *snort* Gnahm not emoshonal you damned.. FOREST WENCH! ...*sobs* Oh tah the hells and back I am emoshonal...
Jade: I just can't believe he's drunk already.
Cobra: He's not like that a lot, trust me.
Samuel: ...Uhm... I can't drink yet.
And that's about everyone! I hope you guys enjoy your drinks... Heheh!

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What kinda stories do you have planned for us in the near future? =D

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
Well, in the future, when I feel inspired to write again--
Jade: Kane!
Oh... Yes, Jade?
Jade: uhm... I don't want to sound rude or anything.. but... Can I get some attention please? Like, so much time has been put into Cobra! There was a time where you couldn't stop thinking about me... ;~;
Aww... Jade... Gods, you're like one of my favorite people to spend time with! I'm sorry I haven't been keeping an eye out for you... Here, I'll tell you what, when I begin my next story, it'll be all about your life. It's really needed.
Jade: ..Really?
Jade: Hehe... *hugs* Thank you~!
Ack.. guh. Jade, your chest is in my damn face... Anyway, expect to see Jade's story soon. A personal novel is going to follow shortly after, so stay tuned!

Cobra, what are some fun things or hobbies you like to do/learn in your free time?

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
Cobra: Oh I thought you would never ask! I have a bunch of hobbies!
When I'm feeling restless, I love to run around the city at lightning speeds. Free-running or, as the humans call it, "Parkour" is good practice for navigating smoothly through certain areas, in places like cities, or even on the battle field! It's like flying, without wings.
I also favor smithing! I'm trying to earn a bit of smithing from a mentor in Warron. Something about creating new weaponry interests me quite a lot. In fact, I crafted these wrist and ankle cuffs after being inspired by them while I was still lost in the desert. See... since my magic control is... well, it's not great let's say. I tend to exert more energy into powerful spells than I should be. This has almost killed me in some occasions... So, I put on these cuffs! *holds up arms* They've been crafted with crystals shards that can safely regulate the exertion of energy needed to do the awesome attacks I got! If I need an extra boost in speed or strength, I can detach one of these. It will increase the amount of power I exert, but it will leave me fatigued if I go on for too long.
Other than that, I just like a nice adventure from time to time. Scout out new areas and have some fun! That's about it I think. :3

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How did you become a furry?

Alright, y'all. Gather 'round. It's story time.
When I was a boy of about 11 years old, I fell in love with a lot of franchises, specifically Sonic the Hedgehog. I think that's when I first began getting into the fandom. Wonderful way to start right? With probably one of the most rabid fanbases ever.
Anyway, once I had started getting into drawing, I began fleshing out Cobra. Yeah, Cobra was originally a sonic character. Go figure, right? That's when I started finding things in the furry fandom. First thing that got me interested were Fursuit videos; specifically of the lovely Autumn Vixen. I don't know who wore the suit, and I can't remember the maker, but I know the suit was gorgeous.
With a little more time and research, I found out about furries and what they did and drew. I started watching people like Luthien Nightwolf over DA and eventually got to this point and stuff.
Not much of a big story, but, hey, that's kind of how it happened.

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Ever thought about getting a fursuit of one of your characters? =D -Lorraine

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
I actually have!
...well actually, I had been. When I was about 13, I saw for the first time, what the furry fandom was and what a mystical magical place it was and how much fun it was, I wanted a fursuit of Cobra. Since it was super expensive, I thought I could make one... Meanwhile, my parents were totally alienated and probably didn't approve that I would be a 13 year old kid in a fandom of mostly 18 - 40 year old suiters.
...This is embarrassing to admit, but keep in mind, now, this was the time where I thought I was a wolf in a human body. Listen to me, I had some issues man. I cut my nails into claws and everything. Gods...
Anyway... I have thought about getting a fursuit. I don't think I will now, because it's kind of like the mentality of a Halloween costume. It's only for that day and then that's about it. But if peeps love dressin' up for fun, I will wholeheartedly take pictures with them and shit. It is fun.

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I know you have a lot of characters, so who is your favorite? (If you can't decide, it's ok to name several. XD)

Pfff... By the gods, I love all of my characters... but out of everyone I have to single out three.
At the top of the list is Cobra, obvs. He's my most developed character and he's been with me since... well, since I first thought of him. Basically, he's my favorite because he was my first character.
Jade follows suit. Reason being that she's a fun character to play with. It's like she's an older sister to me. But she wouldn't be my sister because we don't have any relativity or whatever. She's just fun when she's fun! She's got a pretty developed back story as well, but that's a question to be answered when asked. I'm sure she's willing to talk about herself.
And I think my third favorite character... I'm going to have to go with my baby Masuyo >w<. She's my favorite because she's Cobra's original lover. Before her it was, and I'm serious about this, Amaterasu, from Okami. It was a sweet pairing, but I don't think it would have gone down well if it became canon. Lots of legal shiest. Also, c'mon, she's adorable. Even if her attitude was a bit bothersome to the rest of the characters, she changed and became who she is now.
And she's godamn adorable.
(Don't get me wrong tho, I love all of my babbies <3)

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A question for Commander Cobra. Do you want to rule over Sujishio-o one day? Or, if you had a choice, would you prefer to step down and be something besides the Emperor? ~General Pierce

Nyxis Pierce and Friends
Cobra: That is... a tough question.
I have always wanted to be the Emperor of Sujishio-o. I was destined the position once my older brother, Icarius, was relieved of his position either through death, through the people, or through his own word.
...I won't lie, I do seek vengeance. Whoever killed my father and my family will pay dearly. If I'm given the chance of ruling Sujishio-o, I will take that offer and continue what my father started. It's just... I don't think I'm ready for that position yet. I still have a lot to learn about myself. I can't be an Emperor with a short temper.
Short answer... I do want to rule over Sujishio-o. I just think now is not the best time to think of that. I just need to focus on now, and improving me now.

Kane, do you have a crush on anyone? Cobra, what do you like about Masuyo?

Kane: I... Well, not yet. I'll tell you a lot of attractive people pass my eyes... It's just a matter of when and what to talk about I guess.
Jade: Awww, Kaney's just a little shy... I'll give him pointers here and there, but he won't go after the ones I pick out for him!
Kane: Sh-Shut up! Cobra answer your damn question...
Cobra: Pffft... Well... What do I like about Masuyo?
Honestly, it's hard to just pick one thing. There's a lot of things I like about her. I guess one thing I like about her is her understanding of herself. When we had met each other after the events of Sujishio-o's take over, she didn't really see herself like I had. I had high hopes that she still kept her tomboyish side from when we were children, as we always wanted to play Warball, but she had changed to be as snobbish as those in the Aristocratic Quarter. Something about her mother raising her...
I'm not sure when it was, but she had seen something changed in herself, and she used that knowledge to fix her attitude. Because, god, she made my friends angry at her because of her attitude towards things. I even yelled at her once... I'm not proud of it. We both apologized after a week of not talking, and we started to talk a little bit better. But my friends weren't convinced right away, which gets me to another reason why I like her. She's like... SUPER strong. During a battle she was caught up in, we were totally outnumbered and, she like... Well first she made this awesome mid-battle speech, before she ripped off the bottom of her dress before she ran head into the fight, probably for better mobility or whatever but... She like... detached her fan into like, blades and stuff and sliced everyone up with her wind! It's amazing what she can do! It was so awesome!
And.. I guess after you get past her attitude, she's very sweet and funny. I love her a whole bunch and I hope she feels the same for me... I like her a lot

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Cobra, tell me a little about your birthplace/nation and what it's like! :3 -Lorraine

Cobra: Oh... well... Heheh...
I mean I supposed its changed a bit now but... Bah, alright let me start from the beginning.
My birthplace was in the city of Sujishio-o, a very reclusive place that trained on the principals of strength, loyalty, and knowledge... Within that nation were cities whose names were those of powerful people. If you became an Emperor, you would have your own slice of the vast land, and your surname would be the name of your land... However, the capital of Sujishio-o is Satoshira, which, if you didn't notice, is my surname. My family has a long history... It'd take a while to explain.
Anyway, Sujishio-o itself was... well...It was beautiful. The place was practically crafted naturally, without harming the environment with the strong influence of magic. Stone houses with wooden floors... green grass, trees that bloom in the spring and summer. It was a masterpiece. The people were pretty too there. They looked like flowers walking around the city. However that was mostly in the Aristocratic Quarter of Satoshira, where I spent most of my time. Sujishio-o was governed by a hierarchy in each of the estates... I was at the top, being the son of the Emperor. Then came the Aristocratic Quarter, where nobles, priests, soldiers and the like resided... I didn't like them too much, they were always snobby and stuck up... The Commoner's Quarter was where I spent my time. That area had markets... nice people... and beautiful scenery. Oh, there was a beautiful place where I played... it was by a lake that ran by a forest full of cherry trees. Every summer my brother and my father and I would go over the bridge and pick cherries to make sweet drinks by crushing them... We'd give what we didn't finish as offerings to the Gods.
Living there is generally nice, although I'm probably saying that from a perspective of being at the top of things. I like to believe everyone was treated fairly when I was growing up, but I had history lessons. We weren't the greatest place. Like, I read that there was a time where a revolution broke out because of there not being enough food for the Commoners, while there was plenty for those lucky enough to be born Aristocrats.
I'm not sure what it's like now... It's been taken over since the attack. Things have probably changed. I just hope I can take back my father's throne from whoever took it in the first place.

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Cobra! What's your favorite Christmas Cookie?

Cobra: I mean I know what a cookie is but what's Christmas?
Kane: Well, it's a holiday in my world. It's a time of giving gifts and stuff and celebrating a God's birthday. Or y'know, a jolly fat asshole breaks into your house, eats your milk and cookies and leaves gifts under a 30$ pine tree.
Cobra: Huh... Weird how you have variations of a story. See, we don't have that kind of holiday, however it's strangely similar in the fact that you exchange gifts. Also, come on, you gotta make me choose?! Ugh... alright, I think my favorite would just be chocolate ch. Like, the right out of the oven kind! Sticky chocolate melting on your fingers as you bite into that sweet cookie... sit by a warm fire and drink some warm milk by it... Mmmmm... I want that now... =ω=

Language: English