
☑Katie Curtis

Ask @Katie10Curtis

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Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

A person with lots of friends

What's the best news you've ever received?

That I have the awesomest friends ever
In the world

Katie! Get better really soon and we are praying for you! We are going to win the tournament for you! We play Irving tonight I think and we will fight to beat them knowing everything will ne ok with you and your ankle.-Georgia

Thank u! Good luck to guys tonight! Play hard! I miss ya'll!

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

When I broke both sides of my ankle on my
Left knee last night!

hey Katie it's Kenli. I heard you broke your ankle for sure and I just want u to know that I'm sorry for you and that you are in my prayers and we are going to win the tournament for you:) Love you Katie

Thank you Kenli,I'm happy that u guys r praying for me,I broke
Both sides of my ankle and it's on my left leg. Who do we play tonight?
Liked by: Kenli Divelbiss

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Purple-kind &awesome & sporty


Language: English