
Ryan Hill

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Oliver, Ryan, Leah, Porsche and Stephen all vote to evict Sean. As Sean leaves the house in sadness, he looks up and sees Nathan waiting for him. Sean runs into Nathan's arms, and they kiss passionately. "Take me home" Sean whispers, near tears.


Bryce, Cole and Sean compete for HoH. Bryce wins. Bryce chooses to save Leah since she let him have the toy at the bottom of the cereal box. Sean is put up in Leah's place.

Working my floater role.
And bye Sean

Dakota wins HoH. Since she has no enemies, she just puts up Sam and Leah to not ruffle any feathers. Oliver goes into a frenzy trying to save his closest ally Sam. Sam and Leah compare notes on their ice-creams.

oh boy

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Bryce, Leah, Sam, Dakota, Natasha, Porsche and Ryan all vote to evict Jake. Jake leaves satisfied, as he left Porsche a little going away gift in her suitcase.


Ryan, Jake and Porsche all compete for PoV. Sam wins, and plays the power of veto on himself. Sean puts up Jake. Porsche burns Jake's favorite shirt and laughs at him. Then stabs him with a fork


Sean accidentally drowns the whole house in his years, so he wins HoH by default. He realizes that Sam and Oliver are working together, and puts them both up. Oliver accuses Sean of having a 7-person alliance. Sam eats ice-cream and watches


Bryce, Ryan, Leah, Natasha, Jake (Lol, I guess Oliver played PoV on Jake instead of himself. Wowzers) and Sam all vote to evict Nathan. Nathan is evicted 6-5. Sean cries for 68 hours straight, while Jake laughs

wtf??? but lol bye nathan xoxo

Bryce, Sam and Jacob also compete, but Oliver pulls off a win. Nathan steps on Porsche's foot, so she vows revenge. She replaces Oliver with Nathan.

Loves this nomset. Oliver being a King as usual

The houseguests walk in. From the start, Jake and Porsche hate each other. Jake rallies Sam to help him get rid of her, but too bad for him, Porsche is HoH. Meanwhile, Sean's got Nathan blindly following him already. Porsche puts up Jake and Oliver,

Porsche <3

Omfg, I got to replace John w/ Bryce. There goes all my relationship work. Plus, no more first boot fillers :(


Cool! Before the story begins, this'll be the cast: Ryan, Cole, Sean, Nathan, Sam, Jacob, Jake, Porsche, Stephen, Leah, Natasha, John, Mickle and Dakota. Who else should be in?

can we not with mickle please

So there's someone in the frat you wouldn't want to meet?

ummmm, well there are some people I would want to meet less than others? And some people I don't know that well I suppose

Ryan if me and you met IRL the first thing we'd do would be to go to a Strip Club and make fun of all the girls' bodies. - Not Bryce

lmao true story
and then you'd take me to meet some cute college guys, right?


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