
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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Oh yeah, I forgot that Spencer called Andy a fag. What'd Amanda say?

Bullying Elissa, racism towards Puerto Ricans, joking and describing rape, etc.

I don't feel that bad for Aaryn. Sure, maybe she hasn't done anything particularly bad recently, but she needs to be taught that racism and homophobia is not acceptable. I can't WAIT for Amanda's eviction

Agreed, but she's very naive, and I think this experience WILL change her. I also feel bad for Aaryn because Amanda and Spencer's horrible comments were not shown... as well as some of GM's racist comments, which people seem to forget about.

I'm getting voted out of Link's because I couldn't show up for a challenge due to working at a football game all day... -- Sean

... #TengagedLogic

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Woah I missed alot while I was gone!! Good to be back missed you all!! Love the new group game idea Ryan, I really hope it works out for you!

lol hi Cam, welcome back!! <3 And thank you, I hope it works out too lol

Really though I felt so bad for her. That audience was disgusting - Not Bryce

Agreed, ugh. I mean, I understand her comments were awful, but it was hard to watch her up on stage, nearly crying.

name all the hastag that former players say (IE #racistBryce)

Jette - #MurderousJetteGoddess
Bryce - #RacistBryce, or #NotBryce
Oliver - #KingOliver
Sean - #KingSean (dethroned by Oliver)

Well, as long as I have a group, I might as well do something with it. I'm thinking of making an Amazing Race group comp. Would you like to take part if/ when I do?

Forthenaughtythings’s Profile PhotoSam Santos
Maybe - depends on when you'd be starting it

No but it'd be funny. My brother is afraid his roommate in college will be some psycho murderer rofl -- Sean

loool, gl to him

Should I act like a massive smartass at the end of the school year when my siblings graduate and have to act mature? <3 -- Sean

lol no, be mature sean

Kick Nathan out, this is for human, not sheep. In fact, what is he doing on the internet, shouldn't he be in a field somewhere with Sean shoving a cane up his ass


If government agents knocked on your door and told you that they needed you to tell them everything you know about me, would you help them with their investigation or help me get off the hook for whatever I did? - Not Bryce

omg, depends what you did. But I wouldn't tell them anything until they told me what you did.

There's this foreign exchange student who sounds funny when he talks. I know he speaks 4 languages and all, so it's understandable, but it's still funny that he puts a funny infliction on every word. God, I wish he'd tie me down and smack me with a riding crop unt I cried.

well... that escalated quickly

I am so unbelievably pissed off right now. I was in a Fastings, final 4, and my ally had PoV. She decided to save the inactive over me, and I went 1-1. Fuck you CharlotteAnniston or whatever the hell your name is, you wannabe.

Forthenaughtythings’s Profile PhotoSam Santos
uuuuuugh, I fucking hate that


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