
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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Meanest player ever? Best villain? (in your series, from either gen)

Meanest - probably Derek.
Best Villains - Cole, Derek, Morocco Jette, Marianas Lynette, David

which seasons had the best casts? Which season would you like to see have a redo? like 2.0 with the same exact cast?

Seasons w/ the best casts - Barbados & Moldova both had amazing casts. Kenya had a good cast.
Re-do w/ exact same cast - Kenya. The boot list for that season is very WTF (although that's part of its appeal)

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Best strategic, best social, best physical, best floater of gen 2?

There's only been like 1 and a half seasons, too early to say

rank your winners by their incarnations/appearences in your series

I've done this a billion times, you've just gotta scroll for a bit

sure fire all stars candidates from gen 2? (just use voted out members of sudan so as not to spoil anything/give anything away for remaining players)

I used to tell people who the All-Star candidates were in Gen 1, but I'm not gonna do it for Gen 2. The OBVIOUS All-Star candidates are... well, obvious. But I don't want the cast to be completely predictable. Plus, the casts have been so good so far that there are going to be some surprisingly cuts.
It'll be more fun if I don't spoil.

how is the vl for sudan

Very active. Lots of content to read through, although I'm a bit behind on episode summaries.

best group game players in general whove played your series?

thedarkpassanger played in Moldova, but he only got 10th
Ghoul is one of the best group game players IMO - his placements are 2nd, 1st, 10th.
donosaurus_rex played in Barbados, got 2nd.
Gaiaphage played in Greece, got 17th (medically evacuated since he had to leave the site for a bit)
I'm probably missing some people, but the "best group game players" haven't always done too well in my series. I also haven't had a lot of them play - like I've never had Mearl, Leli14, etc. etc. play.

top 10 favorite people to play your series?

In no particular order:
- Sean / Renegade628
- Bryce / Bryce333
- Sean / Ghoul
- Porsche / porschefan101
- Dakota / dak236
- Oliver / Zombie Oliver
- Cole / Cole91
- Jake / thebenj14
- Ethan / thewinner
- Natasha / Blondelle
There are a bunch of people who could easily make this list but they've got to play multiple seasons. For now, I picked the people who pretty much founded and built my series (had to leave out a bunch, but alas)

Top 3 episodes of Marianas?

For people who love strategy, "Back in the Ring"
For people who love drama, "You All Disgust Me"
And for people who love story-lines/characters, "One Hell of a Game"
Honorable Mentions:
"Let the Backstabbing Blossom"
"It All Hinges on Ohio"
"Hunger to Win"

When will there be returnees?

Likely Season 7 or 8
Which means, depending on the cast size, each season will have only 2-3 representatives (unless a season flops and nobody is good).
I'm avoiding having any returnees prior to All-Stars this time around. There are some people who are basically returnee locks for their original performance. But if you feel like you may be on the fence, being active in the VL and participating in the community will give you an edge over other potential returnees.

Had Morobo gone to tribal council more frequently, would you enjoy them more?

Yeah, definitely. It was just hard for them to be interesting and send a lot of content when there was basically nothing going on.

Please cast me for Season 3!! I want to play sooooo bad!!!!

Apps for Season 3 open soon, if I know who you are beforehand, your chances go up immensely.

Who is Tom?

Gorgeous closeted guy at my school who I had a lot of sex with, but he was so new to the "emotional" part and he had a homophobic family, so we drifted apart even though we were basically dating/super compatible. Don't talk anymore, but I see him a lot in the halls, etc. and we always make eye contact.

Can you rank the Marinias cast on how much you enjoyed them?

I feel like I already did this but:
1. Patrick
2. Austin
3. Lynette
4. Andrea
5. Cody
6. Brendon
7. Sagar
8. Will
9. Natalie
10. Erik
11. Cam
12. Daniel
13. Jonathan
14. Katherine
15. Jordan
16. Devin

"lol there really weren't any heroes in Losh besides sam sooooo....." Hence the "Substitute". --Sean

i get it now


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