
Ryan Hill

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I'd prefer Survivor, it'd take less time. If the first one's successful, we can use the other the second time.

Good point. But you'd have to plan this out, it's your idea

Bryce/Dak, Porsche/Sean S., Sean/Nathan, Oliver/Jake 1 & 2) Tavulu 3) A sheep-shepherd relationship, not interesting 4) If the duo isn't willing to work together, the whle season's theme is pointless. These two are more rivals than a duo

Oliver and Jake aren't really rivals.
But I agree with the rest - Tuvalu was the dynamic duo season, deal with it y'all.

without spoiling anything from the VL how do you feel about Janelle's current season of Survivor

It's an exciting season!

Dynamic duos. Bryce/Dak, Porsche/Sean S., Sean/Nathan, Oliver/Jake, Ethan/Cole, Natasha/Leah, and then like three more from the next two or three seasons okay there

but like

I'm kinda waiting for the rest of summer to end cuz I'm not doing anything that way I can make fun of the people at the moronic Hell hole called High School tbh

SeanAnswersStuff’s Profile PhotoRenegade628
high school tho


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