
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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All the songs are good, but on Hey Jude, We Major when the beat comes in to the we major chorus i ejaculated

loool gg

Rank the All Stars pre merge boots

Already did this but yolo
1. PorscheGoddess
2. Gerard
3. Natasha
4. Jacob
5. Matt
6. John
7. Dakota
I think I flipped around Natasha and Jacob, but whatever.

Hi guys the name is Scott but my friends call me honkey. I'm a little shy but once you get to know me you will find that I'm really one hell of a honkey. My favorite sport is hockey because it looks like honkey. So if you ya know what to come to my house and chill just give me a holla.

stop spamming this, thanks.

im in a casting and someone put ~~ `` JediBBHowie 0 min ago so how does this game work? we vote out the POV NEXT?!

lol wut, that doesn't even make sense.

Omg so many of my queens applied for your next season: Nic, Manipulation, Bizare, HotFierce, Jman, Ask Raina to send you a real application....She blindsided Gaia two times in my series so shes good :X

I'll ask :). But yeah, there are a lot of good apps, I don't even know what to do.
I hate the anonymous feature on ask.fm uuugh

Spoiler alert. Jus and I were the ones asking you those darn confusing questions. Jus is retired but he is contemplating on returning. I however, you did not mention </3. But you got jus so thats all good

lol wait, who are you?! No, this is so sad <//3
And hi Jus :)

Hi guys the name is Scott but my friends call me honkey. I'm a little shy but once you get to know me you will find that I'm really one hell of a honkey. My favorite sport is hockey because it looks like honkey. So if you ya know what to come to my house and chill just give me a holla.

you are so weird, wtf.

Worst experience in a group game?

Suitman's Survivor: Brazil. Great series, and I kinda fangirl over his series. I go into Brazil guns-blazing, ready to blow everyone away because I was actually competent and completely NEW. Nobody had ever heard of me, it was perfect.
I'm making these alliances, cross-tribal shit... all over the place, and I'm sending confessionals, being active. First boot. RIP ME.

whos group games do you want to join or wish you could have joined when they were active as a host

I wish I had played in Benlinus' game. And I was going to apply for JS21's game right after HvV, but it's done now... so... that didn't happen.
I want to join CK's group, Wangifold's group, themissinglink's group, Gaia's group... oh, and Cmack's. I'm definitely forgetting some, but that's all I can think of.
I'm actually fairly new to tengaged, all things considered, so I'm not sure who else used to host in the older days.
OH, AND I WANT TO PLAY LOGANWORM'S! Almost forgot there.


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