
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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*cries as he never gets to be on a KidA season*

lmao, its not even a good series, I would advise you to not play

i win 2,436

Yeah, but I listen to all my song, they are my babies. My least played song has like 13 plays loool

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Ryan's starting to love returnees XD --Sean

lmao ikr.
inb4 7-time players.
But after FvF, I'm going on a like a 4-season newbie streak, and nobody can stop me. Not even the VL!

How do I stop myself from drinking/doing drugs? So far in high school I'm #straightedge, and I wanna stay that way.

Will power. I wasn't coerced into doing anything, I just wanted to lol. #Rebel
But honestly, it's about hanging out with the right "crowd" and knowing your own personal limits. You have to not care if you're judged for being a pussy or whatever.

What kind of returnees Ryan like a player vs. Player season

Can't say too much, but there will only be 2 to 4 returnees.

"4:54 mile freshman year ;)" wtf my fastest is like 7:29 </33

^ my fastest is 6:15 and i like cried, I was so done
whateva, I'll just stick to tennis thank you very much

Hates how I can't ask anything interesting about the seasons cuz All-Stars is on --Sean

ugh ikr. oh well.


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