
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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Candice was punished with a clown suit for the week while Spencer won a Bahamas trip and Judd won $5,000.

crying 4 her

You change up your spam messages???? I just keep mine the exact same :P I do change it every season though

wangifoldssurvivor’s Profile PhotoRyan Wangman
When I'm spamming higher-levels with less game experience, I have one message.
When I'm spamming low-levels with less game experience, I have another.
When I'm spamming group-game vets, I have a 3rd.
And I have a generic one that I use on various people who don't really fit in a category one way or another.

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do you spam people or do you just like wait for them to apply

I spam people. But some people randomly apply

what is a charity and how do i join it

Fobbyiyg’s Profile PhotoScott
Ummm, it's for people who want to get free T or Karma for various reasons, so they get their friends to automatically give them the win.

Lol I replied "Someone's on the naughty list." and he said "Someone's on the annoying list." OH NO. HE GOT ME. Btw, will you help me with deciding my S4 cast on like Wednesday/Thursday? It'd be super cool!

wangifoldssurvivor’s Profile PhotoRyan Wangman
LOOL, you got burned omg.
And yeah sure. Do you have Skype?? (Or we can go in a chatzy and do it, I don't really mind).

I got my first hateful spam mail reply today: Please don't ever fucking spam me again thanks Like wtf you eating boy that's just r00d.

wangifoldssurvivor’s Profile PhotoRyan Wangman
LOOOL who sent you that????

Why are you red nosed? -Cam

and lol, I was hosting a challenge when you sent your mail, sorry I didn't reply!

Philippines gods and goddesses -Zane -Angie -Denise -Malcolm -Abi -Pete -Penner -Dina -Dawson -Katie

True except for Katie and Dana 0_0

"and I think john is pretty ok"... he posted a picture of himself? :O link

um I don't think he was talking about looks


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