
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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Rank the logos

I don't want to compare my own logos with the pre-mades, so I'll do separate.
- Pre-Made -
1. Canada
2. WW
3. Morocco
4. India
- Mine -
1. All-Stars
2. Tuvalu
3. Greece
4. Spain

Related users

Rank the locations of your series. Not based on gameplay or entertainment. Just location. Also if you want to use this question to reveal where allstars is you can do that. Or atleast tell us if its at the same place as first allstars

It's not the same place as the first all-stars. And the location will be revealed tomorrow.
1. Spain (I'm biased because I've been there, but I LOOOOVE Spain. Beautiful country).
2. Morocco (I love the moorish themes, and the middle-eastern vibe. Deserts are awesome).
3. India (I don't know why, I just loved the snake theme to this season)
4. Greece (Interesting country, fun to play around with Greek mythology)
5. Wild West (Not even a location really, more of a time period... but it was very easy to stylize the season based on the location).
6. Tuvalu (First tropical location, which is interesting. Most people haven't heard about it, though).
7. Canada (Yawn)

You should write a thesis on Matt from Greece and what Survivor player he reminds you of. -Sean from Wild West (and not Matt)


dis gurll was in da hospital becuz she had cancers in her eye. she neded eye tranplant. then da doctor comes in and say "we found sum eyes 4 u 2 haev, ur bf kiled himself 2 giv u eye" lik dis if u cri everytim

hlp taers on mi fce i cri 2 much

How much coke could a cokehead smoke if a cokehead could smoke coke?

looool, who knows... not me *glances around suspiciously*

I know for a fact that my genitals are larger than Oliver's. Do not try to confirm that.- Matt from Greece

LOOOL. How do you know for a *FACT*? Has there been anything going on between you and Oliver? ;)

so ur makin owt wit ur hony wen da fone rings u pik it up and sas stop makin owt wit mi dater. u asc ur hony and she sas mi dads ded. TEN HOO WAS FONE?

oMFg!!1!! I dun no!~~~


Language: English